2nd Meeting of the EPAN Troika of Directors General


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Presentation transcript:

2nd Meeting of the EPAN Troika of Directors General eGovernment Working Group Vienna, 28 May 2006

BPM Study Identification and evaluation of ICT-supported modernisation approaches national good practices reported by delegates, GPF database Response:15 cases from 7 old, new and Accession States + CH 3 detailled case studies at eGovWG meeting

Findings Strong positive correlation between number of processes and project budget Gaps between perceived importance and performance of eGov projects End-customer-related measurement but no process and/or performance measurement to assess reorganisation Image improvement is main motivation for employees

Recommendations 1/2 More systematic identification of the relevant processes and its properties (e.g. the appropriateness for integration with other processes) for eGov process improvement. More flexible working structures should allow, support and motivate public sector employees to focus exclusively on process improvement in eGov projects.

Recommendations 2/2 The use of reference models needs thorough evaluation of benefits and risks. When outsourcing business processes and/or IT functions (e.g. application development) ex-ante and ex-post evaluation is required

Thank you for your attention. Your questions? martin.spitzenberger@bka.gv.at