Welcome to Chinook Middle School
Tentative Orientation Date: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Tentative Orientation Date: ????? More information to come… *Letter in June *Postcard in August *Phone call from WEB leaders in August
Before you Open your registration packet!!!!!!! On outside write Blue sheet due First Day of School Pink Sheet DUE Thursday, March 21st. Online Registration for classes closes 11:59PM on Thursday March 21st. If not turned in on time, you might not get your choice of classes.
TDAP Vaccination – Blue Sheet WRITE AT TOP: Due First day of school Your parents will fill this out Put back in packet
Course Selection Sheet– Pink SHEET Write at the top of the page You are assigned 4.5 classes and choose 2.5 elective classes. Assigned: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, 6th Grade PE (0.5). If you are supposed to be in a different level of one of your assigned classes, we will change that on our end. The classes in the system are there to hold that place. The 2.5 elective classes you choose could be any combination of year long (1.0) and semester long (0.5 classes). Options are listed on the back of your course selection sheet. NOTE – Debate is not an option for 6th grade, even though you will see it in the online options 2 new courses this year: Connections in Art and Computer Science Discoveries You also want to choose at least 2.0 credits worth of Alternates. DUE Thursday March 21st This sheet to teacher OFFICIAL Online Course Requests through Student VUE
EXAMPLE 1: Example 1 Request #1: _Digital Technology_ (semester course) Request # 2: __French 1A_ _French 1A__ (1 all year course OR 2 semester courses) Request # 3: _Applied Engineering_ _Math Special Topics_ (1 all year course OR 2 semester courses) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternate #1 _Ceramics_ Alternate #3 _Physical Education Elective 6/7 Alternate #2 _Studio Art__ Alternate #4 _Media Technology_
EXAMPLE 2: Example 1 Request #1: _Connections in Art_ (semester course) Request # 2: __Entry Orchestra_ _Entry Orchestra__ (1 all year course OR 2 semester courses) Request # 3: _Spanish 1A_ _Spanish 1A_ (1 all year course OR 2 semester courses) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternate #1 _Ceramics_ Alternate #3 _Physical Education Elective 6/7 Alternate #2 _Studio Art__ Alternate #4 _Media Technology_
Example 3 Example 1 Request #1: _Connections in Art_ (semester course) Request # 2: __Beginning Drama_ _Creative Writing__ (1 all year course OR 2 semester courses) Request # 3: _Applied Engineering_ _Math Special Topics_ (1 all year course OR 2 semester courses) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternate #1 _Ceramics_ Alternate #3 _Physical Education Elective 6/7 Alternate #2 _Studio Art__ Alternate #4 _Media Technology_
USING THE ONLINE TOOL TO OFFICIALLY SELECT CLASSES www.bsd405.org Click Grades Click on StudentVUE Use your school login Parents can use ParentVUE (there may be errors if you have multiple children in district, so suggested to use StudentVUE). Login information was e-mailed from district
USING THE ONLINE TOOL TO OFFICIALLY SELECT CLASSES Follow the Instruction Sheet – much more detailed instructions there Click on Course Request Tab Core classes are pre-loaded, some may change after registration. 6th Graders have Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, Science and PE Pre-Loaded
Add a class Click Change Course request Search by department Click Request or Alternate Make sure you select your preferred Alternates before your less preferred alternates Watch for error messages Co-Requisite and Currently Enrolled Click Return to Course Request Summary
REMOVE A CLASS Click Change Course Requests Click Remove next to request. Click here to return to course request summary.
COMPLETING YOUR COURSE REQUESTS Get back to the Course Request Summary Screen. Make sure you have 7.0 Credits under Selected Course Requests (including pre-loaded core classes) and at lest 2.0 under Alternate Elective Requests. Exit out of StudentVUE/ParentVUE
Additional Resources ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: www.bsd405.org/chinook/ - then click on the Registration Timeline Announcement This Presentation Instructions for Online Course Selection – The ones you got and district created one including a video. Electronic Copies of the Course Selection Sheet Course Catalogue Electives Onenote – goes into more detail than the Course Catalogue COURSE SELECTION HELP SESSION Tuesday, March 19th, 6:30 – 8PM Chinook Middle School Commons
REMEMBER School starts 7:45 Look for more information about the WEB day and Taking Care of Business Days!! DUE Dates: Blue sheet due First Day of School Purple Sheet, Pink Packet, Pink Sheet DUE to your teacher Thursday, March 21st. Online Course Selection (OFFICIAL) – Closes at 11:59 PM on Thursday, March 21st.