Second Grade November 26 - 30 Preston Pride Important Dates: Reminders November 28th Picture Retakes November 30th $1 PJ Day – Kids Against Hunger December 20th Holiday party 12:15 – 1:00 (See attached letter – please RSVP) December 21st Polar Express Day – wear PJs! *Early release at 12:00pm* Goals for this week: Math We will represent time on analogue and digital clocks. I will read times on analogue and digital clocks. Reading We will read a variety of books on a topic to capture ideas and wonderings. I will discuss how different books on the same topic connect. Writing We will use special strategies to help explain things that are not part of our everyday experience. We will think about our audience when writing introductions and conclusions. I will use strong introductions and conclusions in my writing. Science We will understand that water comes from many different sources including streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. I will identify and compare sources of saltwater and freshwater. Social Studies We will share and compare our family traditions. I will prepare a presentation about one of my family traditions. Word Work We will decode words with final nt, nd, mp blends. I will spell words with final nt, nd, mp blends. Practice cursive handwriting when you have extra time at home! Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @hhaleypreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders Homework: Read every night for 20 mins. With the weather cooling down, please be sure that your child brings a jacket/coat daily (with his/her name in it)! We are working on Math Fact fluency – please practice at home using flash cards or the flash card link on the 2nd gr website! Preston Pride