Drift Tubes CSN1 1-2 April 2003 f.gasparini 22/04/2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Drift Tubes CSN1 1-2 April 2003 f.gasparini 22/04/2019

total 55 67 36 51 Type chambers complete at CERN MB1 15 21 ------ 12 Glossary: SL: a unit of four layers fully equipped,tested and working Chamber: 3 SL plus HC ready to be glued / glued Complete chamber +RPC pads + gas & cooling pipes & manifold + HV/LV cables Installable chamber: + measured + RPC available Type chambers complete at CERN MB1 15 21 ------ 12 MB2 22 24 (?) ------ 19 MB3 18 22 ------ 15 total 55 67 36 51 mechanically finished SLs for 76 chambers (30%) In red the status at end 2002 22/04/2019

DT Chamber Production (18DT/site/year) Integral of produced chambers /quarter. DT Chamber Production (18DT/site/year) -20 30 80 130 180 230 Q4- 01 Q1- 02 Q2- Q3- 03 04 05 All DTs Planned Achieved Achieved - Planned 22/04/2019

18 ch./year Chambers / site 70 60 50 Cambers produced 40 30 20 10 Date Aachen 60 18 ch./year Madrid 50 Padova 40 Cambers produced 30 20 10 1/1/01 1/1/02 1/1/03 1/1/04 12/31/04 Date 22/04/2019

RED Slope = nominal 18 ch/year BLU Slope = actual 22 ch/year 70 140 1/1/01 1/1/02 1/1/03 1/1/04 12/31/04 Date Total Superlayers produced Aachen Madrid Padova RED Slope = nominal 18 ch/year BLU Slope = actual 22 ch/year 22/04/2019

PLANARITY : Chamber versus Honeycomb plates 2 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 max deviation (mm) Chamber 1 Honeycomb 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 MB3 04 MB3 06 MB3 07 MB3 05 MB3 08 MB3 09 MB3 10 MB3 11 MB3 12 MB3 14 MB3 16 MB3 18 MB3 20 Chamber number Planarity is measured on a network of 5 X5= 25 points,regularly spaced. Plotted is the maximum deviation measured for the Hcomb plate before the gluing to the SLs and (blu) for the complete chamber. 22/04/2019

Installation on Iron of MB4 supports for DT chambers from IHEP 22/04/2019


Chamber assembly table Completed in Legnaro with >>> Truck with 10 chambers Leaving Legnaro to ISR In January 03 Chamber assembly table Completed in Legnaro with >>> Authomatic Glue dispenser 22/04/2019

December insertion test >>>> August insertion test 22/04/2019


Production planned from Oct 03 to March 04 MAB production - Prototype (from INEGI) arrived end on June During the summer: Survey and PG measurements of structure stability under loads Production planned from Oct 03 to March 04 Results of 49 days test: (+5.2 Kg ,gravity load): Out of plane 20~ 50 mu (11 points) Vertical 50 mu (7 points) Temp: 20 deg +- 1 Hum. : 70 – 45% Mabs will be individually Calibrated on a special bench 22/04/2019

The three sites are producing at the rate of 18 ~ 20 chs./ year TORINO: first table commissioning begin end of March ,first SL (Amedeo ?) 5 chambers (10 SLs) are needed before end of 2003. The photogrammetry and calibration procedure of the Alignment bench is concluded. The first chamber is going to be measured from 17 ~ 24 of March . The test should last one week ,then 2~ 3 chambers/week First installation test (MB2) done in August 02,test of installation of 1 MB1 and 1 MB3 in sector 5 (no RPC) done in December Next Install. Test week of May 5th 22/04/2019

PARTS FOR CHAMBER COMPLETION AT ISR: RPC pads : available in the labs. and at ISR Gas and cooling pipes and manifolds :available by end 2002 Alignment LED forks available HV cables : available for the 72 ch. ~ planned in March 2003 (Started end Feb. in Legnaro with people from IHEP Beijing, progressing well but full lot available in June) 30 chambers more ~ Sept (?) from IHEP Hard problems with Customs. Could be solved moving cable manufacturing under LHC agreement umbrella First complete Barrel DT chamber planned for the week of MAY 12 In the same week first installation of a MB2 Minicrate on an installed Chamber. First complete Minicrate (MB1) under assembly/test in Padova for the test Beam in May 22/04/2019

chiusa in Novembre. La ditta attende approntamento BTImod. Gara HV : Gara TRB : chiusa in Novembre. La ditta attende approntamento BTImod. Gara HV : approvata in Dicembre,lanciata in Febbraio per il 75% a carico INFN. Con opzione di completamento. Gara assemblaggio CCB/SB : approvate in Dic. Richiesta offerte in Gennaio/Febbraio Minicrates: assemblaggio e test parte R-Out in CIEMAT (iniziato) quindi spedizione a LNL per assemblaggio TRB+CCB/SB 22/04/2019

The firm has a delay of 6 months ,best case 400 available in June MINICRATE STATUS Mass MINICRATE assembly should begin in September and reach 12 MC/month in a couple of months.  We need 21 MINICRATES by Jan 2004 100 Trigger Boards PHI 40 Tr.b. THETA This imply 1120 BTI modules ================= BTI modules now on the critical path ==================   The firm has a delay of 6 months ,best case 400 available in June 400 BTIm allow the assembly of 50 Trigger Boards 50 Trigger boards allow to assemble 10 ~ 12 Minicrates This would cover MC assembly in September and October if the firm delivers the TRB preserie early in September. Then the TRB factory should deliver 200 boards/month .i.e. it needs 1600 BTIm/month. But the assembly rate of 12 MC/month requires only 84 TRB/month i.e 673 BTIm/month 22/04/2019


Installation Cabling 22/04/2019 YB+1/+2 sect. 8 to 12 YB0 sect. 8 to 12, 2 to 6 YB-2 (8,9) YB+1 (2 to 6) YB+2 (2 to 6) Installation Cabling 22/04/2019

BMU Installation Scenario Installation sequence for 2003 was officially changed in Feb. CMS Week From YB0,YB+1,YB+2 to YB+1,YB+2,YB0 (delay of YB0 services) BMU Installation Scenario NEW 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 YB0 Feb/March 04 With Minicrates Realistic estimate => 12 Sectors installed in 2003 DT chambers are sector specific => Fix Installation sequence Minicrates are on the critical path => Assume late arrival Install chambers without minicrates in accessible sectors: YB +1 Sectors 8 => 12 (21 ch) YB+2 Sectors 8 => 12 (21 ch) YB-1 Sectors 8+9 (8 ch) total 50 ch YB+1, YB+2, YB0, Sept. 03 to Feb. 04 NO Minicrates 22/04/2019

Install chambers without minicrates in YB0 8=>12 (21ch) January February 2004 Install chambers without minicrates in YB0 8=>12 (21ch) and with minicrates on YB 0 2 => 6 (21ch) Equip Sectors 8 => 12 YB0, YB+2, YB+1, Sectors 8+9 of YB-1 with minicrates as they become available Continue installation of complete chambers: March 2004 :YB-2 Sectors 8-9 (8 ch) YB+1 sectors 2=>6 (21 ch) September 2004 : YB+2 sectors 2=> 6 (21 ch) begin YB-1 November 2004 YB -1 YB -2 April-June 2005 (57 Chambers) 22/04/2019

CRITICAL ITEMS FOR INSTALLATION: Availability of HV Cables Availability of MB1 supports Availability of RPC See above Drawings should be ready in May to have the supports from IHEP in October (integration and draftman problem). Note that YB0 has the MB1 supports built in. 22/04/2019

RPC : still in the critical path. wrt November 2002 a big step forward was made: assembly of chambers started in GT (but rate should be higher) a new firm was found (and approved) ,assembly starting now. The case will be discussed in the INFN Scientific Committee of April 1st and 2nd and the impact on the detailed installation sequence in 2003 in the Barrel MU Week of April 9 to 12 in Bologna. The actual status of the production is shown in the next slides. 22/04/2019

- - - - - RPC Chamber to be installed at the end 2003 YB +1 12 8 11 9 3 bi gap YB +1 Ch 28 - Ch 14 Ch 39 Ch 49 Ch 40 Ch 19 Ch 52 Ch 27 12 Ch 30 8 - Ch 15 Ch 46 Ch 47 Ch 35 - Ch 50 Ch 53 Ch 21 Ch 51 Ch 10 Ch 11 - - Ch 3 Ch 23 9 11 Tested 10 Built 22/04/2019

out W +2 9 11 10 3 bi gap OCT 03 JULY 03 OCT 03 JULY 03 JAN 03 JULY 03 2500 mm 2000 mm 1500 mm 2080 mm Tested Built 22/04/2019

- - - - - RPC Chamber to be installed at the end 2003 YB +2 8 12 9 11 3 bi gap YB +2 - Ch 57 Ch 16 Ch 60 Ch 61 8 Ch 12 Ch 17 - 12 Ch 56 Ch 58 - Ch 6 Ch 4 Ch 59 Ch 1 Ch 2 - - Ch 24 Ch 22 9 11 Tested Built 10 22/04/2019

- - RPC Chamber to be installed at the end 2003 YB -1 8 9 3 bi gap Tested Built 22/04/2019

The initial cost was estimated to be 22300 KChF/ actual 25831 (+16%) FUNDING/COST The initial cost was estimated to be 22300 KChF/ actual 25831 (+16%) Germany 4400 new fund 1000 5400 Spain 3045 700 3745 Italy 11100 2200 13300 CERN 1150 (item specific) 1150 China 1150 (mainky in kind) 1150 Total 20 845 underfund 1455 24745 underf. 1086 Tenders going HV, CCB/SB total value ~ 3500 KChF to be done LV total value unknown Cabling etc to be done 500 22/04/2019

Total old KChF Total new Italy 4000 Germany Spain missing 3000 2000 1000 22/04/2019 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 YEARS

that they can be part of the M&O B. Committed 2002 3116 2722 10100 15938 Funding** new fund 1000 700 2200 3900 23% 20% 21% total 5400 3745 13300 22445 Available 2003 2004 2005 germany 4400 58% 2284 880 900 500 73% spain 3045 1023 550 256 217 76% italy 11100 3200 1095 1200 1000 71% total 18545 6507 2525 2333 1717 Cost 7553 2754 2732 2067 unbalance ( today) 1046 229 399 350 ** old fund :Italy 60% Germ. 24% Spain 16% tot.fund. I 59 % G 24% S 17% CORE Money spent for Spares (next page) I 63% G 23 % S 14% ( Figures from different tables : consistent within less than 100 KChF ) The deficit is fully consistent with the expenses done to purchase spares for ASICS, Boards etc..in view of 10 years operation at LHC and “mechanical” parts for spare Detectors. A large fraction of these expenses were done before the RRB agreed that they can be part of the M&O B. 22/04/2019



Le percentuali indicate per gli ASICS sono la parte eccedente The items enlisted below are items that we had to buy because a late order was not possible because of the obsolescence of the technology (ASICS) or non availability of the producer (Honeycomb plates,I beams) or of the assembling factory (Al plates and I-Beams).   SPARE Detect(meccanica). 19x20 KChF 380 ASICS CHIPS (15 ~ 30%) 450 FE BOARDS 10% 200 HVB 15% 102 TRB (trigger boards) 10% 62 ROB (read out boards) 10% 50 CCB/SB(control/server boards) 10% 80 STAND EL. (PS,balconies) 5% 160 Total 1212 112 160 For the spare detectors the value is for material only (Honeycomb plates , Aluminium plates,I-beams et cetera ,part of them are already committed and part we should order this year in order to have them in Dubna and Protvino before the end of the assembly) Electronics and boards are included in ASICs and Boards. ASICS Chips include the MADs (front end amplifiers),the BTIs ,the TRACOs (already payed). I included also an approximate amount of money for the spares TDCs that will go in production in 2003. The HVB are the spares of High Voltage Distribution Boards ,currently in production to be concluded in 2004 (the cost is the cost of the material only). Le percentuali indicate per gli ASICS sono la parte eccedente quanto ritenuto necessario durante la costruzione. Following an agreement taken in the RRB of April 2002 ( Scrutiny Group Report CERN-RRB-2002-036) “spares are often to be ordered in advance,with the main procurement. In the case of ATLAS provision to buy spares is made by borrowing from the future etc…” We propose to move this money on the M&O B part as done for Tracker and ECAL. The same request will be done by our Spanish and German colleagues to their Agencies. 22/04/2019

Approx.M&O B/year of operation based Valore %/anno quota/anno   MECHANICS 200 2% 4 GAS 800 3% 24 COOLING 355 3% 11 Fend 2250 5% 112 TRIGGER 2900 5% 145 ROUT 1750 5% 88 MINICRATES 1740 3% 52 STAND.ELECTR 3200 5% 160 CONTROLS 800 5% 40  TOTAL 12255 636/Y Approx.M&O B/year of operation based on 2003 cost , following template agreed by the M&O Scrutiny Group Total 597/year M&O B spare cost 2000 Tot. 942 22/04/2019