Dichotomous Key Exercise Mrs. Novack
Instructions Design a Dichotomous Key for the Flowering Plants Listed in the Table Pick a characteristic to divide the plants into two groups (the number in each group does not have to be balanced) Once that first division is made, continue to select characteristics to differentiate members of each sub-group to create a hierarchy of characteristics Using the classification scheme you have just made, make a dichotomous key for the flowers. Remember that each numbered step should contain two choices for classification. Begin with 1A and 1B. Use the images found at http://plants.usda.gov as a reference in creating your dichotomous key
Helpful Hints Use the internet as a reference on creating your dichotomous key in providing samples. It is highly unlikely that your combination of flowers has already been done for you to just copy. Copy photos from USDA.gov into a word document to place them side by side for a better comparison.