National Tuberculosis Control Program in Vietnam Workshop on Surveillance and Epidemiology of TB in WPRO Manila, 4-7/5/2004
Viet nam Surface 330.000 km2 Distance >2,300km Population ‘02 79.7 mill Growth rate 1.70% GDP per capita 420 US$ GDP per capita for health 3US$ GDP per capita for TB 0.1 State 1 Provinces 61 Districts 631 Communes 10,553
TB indicators in 2003
Case - detection, 2003
Trends in notification
Treatment outcome 2.0 1.5 0.8 3.4 1.9 90.5 56,149 2002 1.0 3.1 1.6 91.0 54,178 2001 1.8 2.2 89.9 53,138 2000 1.2 2.9 2.1 90.3 53,267 1999 2.8 2.7 52,749 1998 2.3 3.2 88.2 46,466 1997 3.0 2.4 86.9 37,996 1996 1.4 89.4 21,879 1995 2.5 1.7 88.5 16,246 1994 88.4 12,975 1993 3.3 87.6 10,950 1992 6,206 1991 6.7 86.0 2,135 1990 0.2 7.0 4.4 85.3 1,147 1989 Transfer out Lost Failure Died Treat. compl Cured Number Year
HIV prevalence by age groups
HIV prevalence in IUDs group
HIV prevalence in CSWs group
HIV prevalence in TB patients
HIV prevalence in STI group
HIV prevalence in antenatal women
HIV prevalence in military recruits
Recording & reporting system Country wide coverage Well developed registration, recording and reporting system as recommended by IUATLD and WHO Good quality of the keeping of registers and frequency and completeness of reports Some times delay in reporting from some provinces
Thank you very much !