Teaching and Learning Forum 17 May 2016 Pauline Kneale Pro-Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning
Agenda Post QAA HER, HEA SWS Action Plan Action Planning NTF and Project round HEAR Co Curricula – Graduate Compass Prevent White / Green paper TEF
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Higher Education Review
Timescale for QAA HE Review -52 weeks Date for visit announced -26 Review team membership announced November -16 Preparatory meeting 11 January -12 SED Document upload; analysis begins 1-16 Feb -9 Request for additional evidence March -6 Provider uploads additional evidence asap -4 First team meeting early April 0 Review visit w/c 9 May +2 Key findings letter late May +6 Draft report late June +9 Provider comments on draft report late July +12 Report published September +22 Provider publishes action plan 14 October
Agenda Post QAA HER, HEA SWS Action Plan NTF and Project HEAR Co Curricula – Graduate Compass Prevent White / Green paper TEF
Higher Education Achievement Report Plymouth University HEAR Website Personal Tutor Guidance Higher Education Academy Info
White Green Paper Implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework
TEF: Context Simplifying the higher education architecture Reducing complexity and bureaucracy in research The higher education sector Simplifying the higher education architecture Teaching Excellence, Quality and Social Mobility
TEF – What it is hoping to achieve Provide an excellent (measurable) teaching experience Ensure teaching has equal status with research - staff promotion Provide students with the information they need to judge teaching quality Social mobility - WP, better retention and progression to further study or a graduate job Move to clearer outcome-focused criteria and metrics.
STUDENTS AS PARTICIPANTS Research-tutored Curriculum emphasises learning focused on students writing and discussing essays and papers Research-based curriculum emphasises students undertaking inquiry-based learning Research-led Curriculum is structured around teaching current subject content Research-oriented Curriculum emphasises teaching processes of knowledge construction in the subject STUDENT-FOCUSED STUDENTS AS PARTICIPANTS EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH CONTENT EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH PROCESSES AND PROBLEMS TEACHER-FOCUSED STUDENTS AS AUDIENCE Research - Scholarship Informed Teaching Griffiths, 2004; Healey and Jenkins 2006 Excited students tackling ‘real’ research and practice problems in partnership with academic staff
Plymouth Graduates: enterprising and creative global citizens Self-efficacy Self-esteem Self-confidence Reflection and Evaluation Career Development Learning Experience (Work and Life) Degree subject Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Generic Skills Emotional Intelligence Threshold Concepts Signature Pedagogies Ethical Approaches Critical Thinking Intercultural Awareness Enterprise Sustainability Literacy Digital Literacy After Dacre Pool and Sewell 2007