Macbeth Day 2
When You enter Take out your Lit Terms packet MB book I.i-ii Q’s I.ii Sentences Half Sheet
Today’s Schedule Period Begin End 5 8:00 9:02 6 9:07 10:11 7 10:16 11:18 2nd Lunch 11:18 11:48 8 11:53 12:55
I.2 Difficult sentences See doc cam.
Practice sentence “Go, get him surgeons.” What is the subject of this sentence?
Lit Terms Which terms from pages 2 and 3 are unfamiliar?
Today 1. Review grammar answers 2. Lit Terms – Page 2 3. Discuss I.i-ii Q’s 4. Read I.iii 5. Introducing “Motorcycle” Macbeth HW: 1. Reread I.iii; answer questions posted on website
Announcements Act I Test after mid-winter break We are aiming to finish Act I before break. Hopefully books will arrive before mid-winter break Tests begin after break. Grammar / Vocab Test on Thursday next week Don’t worry about Act I Paper for now Adjustments to writing schedule coming after break
I.2 Discuss responses in your groups. Stay on task for the full five minutes!
“There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face.” Is this true? Test it out in your groups of four. Each person receives one playing card. The person who receives the Ace is guilty of a crime. Can he or she conceal it? Once you look at your card, place it face down on the desk. Analyze the faces of those in your group. Does anyone appear to be hiding something? No talking during this round! After 30 seconds discuss and debate who you think it is. Finish the round by pointing at the person you believe to be guilty.