GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS INITITIVES GLICCCs 17th Annual A DVANCING THE C HOICE C ONFERENCE Celebrating 20 Years of Clean Cities Friday, October 4, am – 1 pm Bethpage State Park, Farmingdale, NY GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS INITITIVES GLICCCs 17th Annual A DVANCING THE C HOICE C ONFERENCE Celebrating 20 Years of Clean Cities Friday, October 4, am – 1 pm Bethpage State Park, Farmingdale, NY
FY 2014 Clean Cities Appropriations Energy and Water Appropriations bills –House (HR 2609; H. Rpt ) –Senate (S.1245; S. Rpt ) Suggested FY 2014 funding levels for the Vehicle Technologies program. –House: $205 million (FY 2013: $335 million) –Senate: $415 million (FY 2013: $330 million)
FY 2014 Clean Cities Appropriations Large Discrepancy in proposed funding levels between the House and Senate Bills. House and Senate did not go to a Conference to try and iron out the differences Action (to be) completed in a Continuing Resolution, and expect funding to be near the FY 2013 levels (as happened last year). –Clean Cities: $26.8 million
FY 2014 DERA Appropriations Administration in its FY 2014 budget requested a 70% reduction in funding for the DERA program Appropriations bills were not completed Action (to be) completed in a Continuing Resolution, and expect funding to be near the FY 2013 levels (as happened last year). –DERA: $20 million
Status of Federal Incentives House Ways and Means Committee: –Formed of 11 Tax Reform Working Groups Senate Finance Committee: –Released series of tax reform option papers (continued)
Status of Federal Incentives Expiring tax provisions: –80 provisions expire between now and 2021 –55 in 2013 Alternative fuel incentives expiring in 2013: –Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property –Credit for two- or three-wheeled plug-in electric vehicles –Incentives for biodiesel and renewable diesel: –Incentives for alternative fuel and alternative fuel mixtures (continued)
Status of Federal Incentives Alternative fuel incentives expiring in 2014: –Alternative fuel incentives for liquefied hydrogen –Alternative fuel incentives for liquefied hydrogen refueling property –Credit for fuel cell motor vehicles (continued)
Possible Legislative Opportunities Energy Legislation The Alternative Fueled Vehicle Competitiveness and Energy Security Act of 2013 (S. 1230) –Introduced by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) –Promotes AFVs. –Makes HD vehicles eligible for federal loan program –Funds Clean Cities at $200 million per year
Possible Legislative Opportunities Energy Legislation House Energy and Commerce Committee is exploring the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) Senator Wyden (D-OR) is working on HD CAFE legislation Senator Inhofe (R-OK) is working on LD CAFE legislation
Possible Legislative Opportunities Energy Legislation NGV specific proposals: –Correct the LNG penalty –Reduce incremental FET on vehicles (H. Con Res 52) –Obtain a weight exemption for HD trucks –Develop tax incentive legislation for all types of AFVs (including dedicated, bi- and dual-fueled NGVs)