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LARGE CELL NEUROENDOCRINE CARCINOMA OF LUNG Case 55 AMR SPLIT 2018 Lovorka Batelja Vuletić Departmen of pathology School of Medicine University of Zagreb
LCNEC WHO classification (3th edition) a NSCLC that shows histological features of neuroendocrine morphology and expresses immunohistochemical neuroendocrine markers LCNEC COMBINED LCNEC with adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma / giant cell carcinoma
Case history LCNEC- Literature date a man born 1957. a former smoker periodically febrile: 2016.y, without cough and dyspnoea highly related to smoking most commonly located in the peripheral lung in 20% of cases- a central location cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea, pneumonia and chest pain ! unlike SCLC paraneoplastic syndrome are uncommon
9/2016 a chest x-ray : nodules 1.8 cm in diametar Radiological findings 9/2016 a chest x-ray : nodules 1.8 cm in diametar 5/2017 MSCT: a soft tissue mass opened etiology 2.5 cm in diametar 12 /2017 CT of torax: a solide lesion in the left superior lung’s lobe 3.6 cm in diametar 3/ 2018 an operation precedure: Thoracotomy Superior Lobectomy Mediastinal Lymphadenectomy MSCT: multislides CT
Literature date Macroscopy average diametar 3-4cm circumscribed tumor occasionally present haemorrhage
Macroscopic features superior lung lobe with stasis changes tumor 4 cm in diametar, ~40% necrotic lymph nodes; regions I-X
What is the mesaure
T cells are about 7-8 micrometers
Ø of tumor cell> Ø
Histological Findings or giant multinuclear cells and probably represents SCC and AD. One histological variant is large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, and confirmation of neuroendocrine differentiation is required using immune histochemical markers (Figure 1D). sheets or nests of middle size polygonal tumor cells
Histopathology of LCNEC Neuroendocrine morphology: organoid nesting, trabecular growth, rosette-like structures Nucleoli are frequent Mitotic counts> 10 M / 2mm2 Necrosis: punctate or large Confirmation of neuroendocrine differentiation is required One positive marker is enoug
Histopathology of LCNEC Neuroendocrine morphology: organoid nesting, trabecular growth, rosette-like structures Nucleoli are frequent Mitotic counts> 10 M / 2mm2 Necrosis: punctate or large Confirmation of neuroendocrine differentiation is required One positive marker is enoug
MI >10 M / 10HPF
Differential diagnosis SCLC Carcinoid (atypical) Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma Other large cell carcinoma !!the diagnosis can be difficult in small biopsy speciments
Immunohistochemical Findings LCA p40
A confirmation of neuroendocrine differentiation CD56
Literature date IHC profile: 92-100 % LCNET + CD 56 80-85% LCNET+ chromogranin A 50-60% LCNET + synaptophisin ~ 50 % LCNET + TTF1 ~ 100 % LCNET + AE1 / AE3, CK7; dot- like / diffuse
Diagnosis: large (non small cell) neuroendocrine carcinoma pTNM: pT2apN0
PDL1 status DAKO 22C3 negative
Molecular profiling ALK + (Cell signaling antibody) EGFR -
Why did we choose this case ? Rare pulmonary tumor Heterogenic group of tumors Tumor spread: lymph nodes lung parenhima liver brain bone
Kerr K. M. , Bubendorf L. , Edelman M. J. et. all Kerr K.M., Bubendorf L., Edelman M.J. et. all. Second ESMO consensus conference on lung cancer: pathology and molecular biomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer.Annals of Oncology 2014. 25: 1681-1690 CAP/ IASLC (the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer) /AMP Molecular Testing Guideline for Selection of Patients with Lung Cancer for Treatment with ALK Thyrosine Kinase Inhibitors; Summary of Recomendation 2013, 2015 Dietel M et al. Diagnostic procedures for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC): recommendations of the European Expert Group Thorax 2016;71:177–184 routine EGFR i ALK mutation analysis „..has been recommended for all non-squamous tumours..”
according Guideline From the College of American Pathologists, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), and the Association for Molecular Pathology, published in March 2018. ...Upon systematic review, no new evidence established the routine molecular testing of any genes for typical squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, or other neuroendocrine lung tumors... !!!
!! ...In nonadenocarcinoma non–small cell histologies, the finding of EGFR, ALK,or ROS1 alterations has been most commonly reported in situations in which patients had a minimal (1–10 packs per year) or no history of tobacco exposure. Similarly, some studies have suggested associations between the presence of ALK or ROS1 alterations and younger patient age...
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