The Inspiring Scotland experience, improving the lives of Scotlands most disadvantaged people Celia Tennant Head of Funds 11 October 2013
What is Inspiring Scotland? What is Venture Philanthropy? What are we doing for Scotlands most disadvantaged? What is Link Up? What have we learned & what really matters?
Our mission: Change the lives of Scotlands most disadvantaged people. Inspiring Scotland aims to create sustained change through partnership and collaboration, by tackling tough social issues and achieving long lasting results for disadvantaged people and communities in Scotland.
EVPA defines Venture Philanthropy as an approach to build stronger societal purpose organisations by providing them with both financial and non-financial support in order to increase their societal impact. (EVPA is the European Ventures Philanthropy Association of which Inspiring Scotland is a member)
Investors (Scottish Gov, Trusts/Foundations, Corporates, HNWIs) Fund Ventures Financing Financial & Non Financial Support Social Return What we do
Source :EVPA
Inspiring Scotland in numbers 5 Years 6 Funds £45 million investment to sector £25 million leverage pro bono supporters
Over 10,000 young people secured employment, education, training. 20,000 children freely playing in their communities Over 14,000 vulnerable children and their families helped Over 5,000 people, building confidence, new relationships, realising assets SGs programme delivery partner
Pro Bono supporters Wider Portfolio of Ventures IS Wider Team PAs Non-Financial Support at the core of what we do
Inspiring Scotland Venture Funding from Inspiring Scotland Performance Advisory support from Inspiring Scotland Pro Bono support arranged by Inspiring Scotland Wider Portfolio of ventures
What is it? What have we learned?
12 Link Up Model Local Worker Host Inspiring Scotland Local Community
13 Learning – Preparing the ground
14 Learning – Laying the foundations
15 Learning – Building local capacity
16 Learning – The worker Local Worker
Outcomes Activities Activities that increase social contact/ connections between individuals and groups in the community Activities that involve individuals participating/usin g and giving their skills and assets Outputs Number of hours of community activity Number of new activities Number of participants in activities (+ new) Number of volunteers involved in activities Outcomes for Individuals Increased levels of social interaction for individuals, which will in itself reduce isolation Stronger connections and improved relationships based on trust and reciprocity between people in the community Improved confidence and self-esteem Improved perception of their community as a place to live Improved health & well-being Development of new skills Improved resilience and self efficacy Outcomes for Communitie s Increased level of community activity Better community integration and cohesion Increased capacity and motivation to influence what happens in their community Improved perception of their community as a place to live National Outcomes We live our lives free from crime, disorder and danger We live in well designed sustainable places where we are able to access the services and amenities we need We have strong resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others We live longer, healthier lives
18 Learning – Evaluation Whats bingo, bananas and a long- overdue haircut got to do with assets?…
TOTAL 30 JUNE participants 333 volunteers Larkfield 20mths NW Kilmarnock 19mths Gallatown 15mths Leith 18mths Possil 17mths N. Motherwell 15mths Alloa 17mths Whitfield 13mths Muirhouse 14mths Gorbals 13mths Silly Soccer DJ Workshops Community Gardening Litter Picks Befriending Archery 533 Participants + 91 Volunteers SCALE AT 30 JUNE 2013 Gardening Bingo Fruit & Veg Stall Biking 724 Participants + 21 Volunteers 317 Participants + 35 Volunteers Community Gardening Make my Neighbourhood Beautiful Pop-up cafe Cooking Pop-up farm/beach & cafe Chancers – local womens group Family swim Bingo Cinema Tenants group Big Breakfast Club Soggy Sports Bike club Internet cafe & Community information Community Football Cinema Creative writing Drumming Guitar Group Culture on Every Corner Athletics Group Arts & Crafts Youth Cafe Community Cafe Community Family events Bingo Womens Group Community Gardening Community information 614 Participants + 8 Volunteers 482 Participants + 31 Volunteers 454 Participants + 26 Volunteers 446 Participants + 38 Volunteers 222 Participants + 12 Volunteers Cinema Archery Gardening Archery Arts Chess Open Cafe Street Dance Young Mums Man Up Womens Group Gardening Pop-up Museum Cinema Lunch Club 890 Participants + 63 Volunteers 419 Participants + 8 Volunteers Photography Dads group Youth Activities
Independent Evaluation of Model 2012 – Arrivo Consulting Investors – Increased efficiency and maximised impact Ventures – capacity building creates stronger, more robust orgs Beneficiaries – better outcomes
The non-financial support provided has transformed ventures and their capacity to deliver outcomes in a way that financial investment alone could not have achieved Our Performance Advisor probably has a better all-round grasp of the organisation's challenges and what we can achieve, than anyone else we work with. It is the non-financial investment that underpins the added value of the Inspiring Scotland model.
Clearer focus on impact. 91% of ventures felt they better identified the outcomes and impact of their work49% strongly felt that way. Better impact measurement. 84% of ventures had stronger systems for measuring impact. Better delivery. 81% of ventures felt they were more effective delivery organisations due to IS support. Better management. 69% of ventures felt that their management capacity increased. Better networks. Ventures strongly felt that networking within their portfolios was valuable. 96% found value in connections within the portfolio. More sustainable and more fundableeven after exit. 68% better identify and develop new opportunities. 67% more sustainable in longer term as result of IS. Tough selection process + cachet. 89% of ventures felt like being supported by Inspiring Scotland signalled that they were a strong organisation to other funders. Isserman, N. Cambridge University (to be published Autumn 2013) Gates Scholar – University of Cambridge To be publish Autumn 2013
Venture Philanthropy works... and works well.
but its a rapidly changing world...
So we need to continue to adapt to a changing environment
Quicker, cheaper, better New money Recycling money New products Fresh ideas
Together we are tackling tough social issues and changing lives