KETmaritime project and its legacy: Business2Sea Workshop, Porto Jonathan Williams, Marine South East 14th November 2018
KETmaritime - transfer of key enabling technologies (KETs) to the maritime sector An interregional Atlantic Area project for strengthening transfer of innovation results A cooperative network of public and private organizations with scientific as well as industrial background Exchange experience in R&D, technology transfer and maritime activities Increase knowledge, identify and exchange good practices and sustainable solutions based on KETs Facilitating emergence of new products, services & processes in the sector Fully capitalizing on KETs, leading to more competitive, resilient, efficient and sustainable maritime industries
Project partners: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (PT) Fundación PRODINTEC (ES) Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (ES) Fórum Oceano – Associação da Economia do Mar (PT) Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (FR) Marine South East (UK) University College Cork (IR)
Future Ambition Europe has strong research expertise in KETs Investment in KETs creates a ‘knowledge infrastructure’ Business can exploit this infrastructure to drive growth BUT, to achieve this outcome for marine and maritime sectors, we need to: Check the research investment is aligned to knowledge priorities coming from societal and industrial challenges Address business barriers to market and ‘valley of death’
Capitalisation The project legacy is being secured in a work package dedicated to “Capitalisation” Inheriting knowledge from previous work Making a valuable impact on future activities So far, two tasks have been completed: Task 3.1: perform a scan of recent and ongoing European projects and initiatives and map onto the KETs Task 3.2: analyse how the KETs map onto the value chains identified in Blue Growth studies
Mapping Against Blue Growth Priorities Ports & logistics Shipping & shipbuilding Micro & nano electronics Leisure craft, marinas Cruise & tourism Nano-technology Projects database Industrial Biotechnology Naval Surveillance Coastal protection Eco-systems Advanced Materials Oil & gas Offshore Wind Wave & tidal Biofuels Photonics Fishing Aquaculture Blue biotech Advanced Manufacturing ICT Aggregates Seabed mining
Maritime ICT advances depend mainly on three KETs Nano & Microelectronics Photonics Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Marine sensors Satellite sensors Autonomous vessels Rapid prototyping Systems dependent upon or supporting ICT applications Underwater cables Offshore robotics
Distribution of Maritime Projects across KETs
Industrial Biotechnology KET: relevance to Blue Economy
Micro & Nano Electronics KET: relevance to Blue Economy
ICT Supporting Technology: relevance to Blue Economy
Reasons why the EU has not taken sufficient advantage of its excellent research base in KETs Insufficient policies were in place that aimed at (1) tapping into the synergistic impact of KETs and (2) accelerating their "time to market". Combining KETs to ensure maximisation of synergistic impact is important an integrated approach to supporting KETs is therefore required. The timely commercialisation of KETs requires the development of high-risk product demonstration and proof-of–concept projects require a more effective use and coordination of public resources Source: A European strategy for Key Enabling Technologies – A bridge to growth and jobs (2012)
Barriers to Commercialisation Investment in Advanced Materials KET Novel Material Design codes & models Production Engineering & Prototype Security of Supply Market Validation Investment in innovation = RISK Certification etc Investment in tooling, testing etc Scaleability & timescale Confirm commercial benefit
Conclusions There are many KET-related projects that could be exploited in Blue Growth Industrial biotechnology is particularly relevant: Blue biotechnology Fisheries and aquaculture ICT is a critical technology for Blue Growth: Sensor development dependent on micro & nano electronics KET etc Driving advances in maritime surveillance BUT Exploitation of KETs requires joined-up support for innovation To overcome risk & time barriers Case studies/use-cases can be influential to define risks KETmaritime is working on a selection of case studies