Supporting the Local Senate: A Staff Discussion Julie Adams, Facilitator Grace Hazan,
Why Are We Here? Introductions Purpose Agenda State Academic Senate Relationship Local Senate Staff – Your Role Community College Terminology/Acronyms Meeting Rules Senate Staff Issues What Else? Introductions: Self introductions Information discussion (a conversation) --stop to ask questions or add your experience Purpose: To provide you with basic information to support the local senate. Agenda: State Academic Senate relationship with local senates Community College terminology/acronyms, etc. Brown Act - your role in compliance Communication and confidentiality Senate Staff Issues What else? (Julie will ask those in attendance if there are other issues we should try to cover if there is time).
State Senate State Senate Who are we and what do we do? What type of resources do we provide? Why is it important to stay connected with the Senate? How do we stay connected? --Who we are: >Represent the faculty – official voice (in Education Code) >Strengthen local senates through communication at the state-level with legislators, chancellor’s office, and other constituent groups >Protection of policies from intrusion from those outside and inside the system >Develop policies (i.e., graduation requirements) >A resource for local senates --What are the Resources >papers and resolutions >policy recommendations >Technical assistance >professional training --Why stay connect? >so local senates receive information about current issues and events >help us fight for the ‘cause” > --How to stay connected? >attend events >monitor the website, publications, and president’s update >email representatives
Senate Staff – Your Role Transition Adjust Empowerment Resources and Tools Communication Confidentiality and Trust --Transition: Make it smooth >your job is to give them all the resources and tools to do their job >you’re the continuity…the resource --Adjust Interpersonal Struggles with different personalities Those that delegate or not Striking a balance Adapting to their style --empowerment >by helping them get up to speed quickly, you help them hit the ground running >ensure they are equipped >no surprises --Resources and tools >What are they? Ideas? --Communication >important >make the time >figure out what works for them (not you) – example, MWL and phones --Confidentiality and Trust >you just have to the they person of trust >don’t gossip (provide advice) …give an example >responsibility
Meeting Rules Brown Act – and You? Responsibilities Robert’s Rules of Order – Parliamentary Procedures How might you help your Academic Senate Brown Act: >To give the citizens of California access to government agencies and prohibit governmental decisions from being made in secret. >To require that the actions and deliberations of the governing boards of local public agencies shall be taken openly and in public. --Local Senate’s are under the Brown Act --Responsibilities: >notice meetings (provide agendas in advance 72) >Public comment >access to the meeting, agenda, and material (by request) --Parliamentary Procedures >to facilitate effective meetings >guidelines for running meetings Resources (handouts)
Other Issues What do you want to know that we did not cover? Questions and Answers Closing remarks – how to ensure local senate information is current so you receive our emails/flyers/professional development materials