“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile” -Roger Staubach Why Do We Need to Change? “There are no traffic jams along the extra mile” -Roger Staubach
HCHAPS Due to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCHAPS), and healthcare reform, reimbursement will align to hospital performance. The ED experience has a huge impact on the patient’s perception of care as an inpatient, so a good first impression is critical in the ED. As the power of the consumer increases, it becomes mission critical for EDs to listen and provide exceptional service to their patients.
The Good News… Providing Excellent Service is FREE! We already provide excellent care…We will be discussing ways we can provide excellent service. EDs that earn high marks from patients on service and quality tend to do 3 things. 1. They make a positive first impression. 2. They give frequent and timely communication to patients 3. They ensure a warm close with patients. In a high performing ED, quality and service go together and improve together! None of this takes extra time.