The Children’s Hearing System
Success Criteria I can I can I can To understand the purpose of the Children's Hearing System To explain the process of the Child’s Hearing System Success Criteria I can I can describe the purpose of the Children's Hearing System I can identify the powers of the Child’s Hearing System I can I can
Due: Monday 4th March Homework KU question: Describe, in detail, the Scottish Court system. (6) What do you need to do? Refer to at least 2 Scottish courts Explain their procedures, sentencing powers and types of cases that would be heard here. Use real life examples.
Model PEE P- The Court of Session is the highest Civil court in Scotland. (1) E- This court only deals with the most complex and highest value civil cases. As civil law deals with disputes between businesses or individuals. (2) E- For example, the Court of Session ruled in a case between the Scottish Government and the Scotch Whisky Association that minimum pricing for alcohol was within the legal power of the Government to implement. (3)
The Children’s Hearing System- Creation & purpose Has been used in Scotland since 1971. It is unique to Scotland. It is used for multiple reasons: children whose situations may require intervention because of neglect, an offence they have committed or an offence has been committed against them.
It helps children and young people who are vulnerable because they are at risk. They may be at risk due to: • being abused • being out of the control of their parents or carers • offending • not going to school • taking drugs or alcohol • not being looked after properly by their parents
Who can make a referral to the children’s panel? The Police A social worker A teacher Health professionals Anyone who has concerns about the child. The child can even refer her/himself to the children’s panel
Number of Referrals to the Children's Panel Draw a conclusion about the following headings: The number of referrals in 2015/16 The trend in referrals since 2003/04
Children's Hearings System - Source of Referrals Support and Oppose: Social work is without doubt, the largest group who make the referrals to the children's panel.
Most likely reason for child to be referred. Most common grounds for referral to the Reporter 2015/16 Conclusion: Most likely reason for child to be referred.
Why is it different from the adult court system? It is NOT a court case. The most important thing is the well being of the child. A children’s hearing helps to decide what is the best way forward to help the child.
Children’s Reporter A reporter will decide if a child needs to be referred to the Children’s Hearing. They may speak to the child’s teacher or social worker if the child has one. Any person that is worried about a child/young person can refer information on to the children’s reporter.
What happens at a hearing? The welfare and best interests of the child are always at the heart of decisions made during a Children’s Hearing. The style and setting of a hearing is not too formal, although normally everyone will sit around a table. All parties involved are encouraged to be open and honest during discussion. They are always held in private and usually last for between 45minutes to an hour. They consider the ‘whole’ child
How is a hearing carried out? 3 members on the children’s panel; must be a mixture of men and women. The parents should attend; if they do not they will be fined. The media may be present but cannot identify the child. The meetings are informal.
What can the children’s panel do? Power of the Children’s panel Example “Supervision requirement” to work with the child at school or at home OR the child may be placed in foster care If a child is at risk in their home such as being a victim of neglect or abuse then this support will be pout in place to ensure the child's safety Restriction of a young person’s movement which can be done through tagging. This became a power of the children's hearing system in 2004 under the Anti-Social Behaviour (Scotland) Act. If a child has received an ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) they can be given a tag to ensure their movements are tracked and they are not at risk of participating in anti-social behaviour. Counselling can be put in place to support the young person to enable them to change their behaviour If a young person is seen as a danger to themselves or the community, they will often receive counselling. If a young person has poor mental health this will help them to cope.
Activity 1 Watch the following video clip and take notes on what happens at a Children’s Panel Hearing. the-childrens-panel/ Use the worksheet to add extra information to your notes.
Describe, in detail, two ways that the Children’s Hearing System can help young people in Scotland. 4 Describe, in detail, two actions which the Children’s Hearing System can take. 6