The Armistice Write a newspaper article about the Armistice: Explain what it is Why it has happened The Terms the Germans had agreed to When the fighting stopped Why some German Generals and people in Germany were unhappy about the armistice
Which factor was most important in leading to the allies victory in World War I America joining the war The British Naval Blockade Failure of the Ludendorff offensive German losses in 1916 and 1917 Improvements in the Allies army’s effectiveness Britain and America having more resources than Germany Each table will be given one of these arguments to present as being the most important reason.
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How important were Haig and Foch to Allied Victory How important were Haig and Foch to Allied Victory? Score each point after 10 Marshall Foch Sir Douglas Haig Leading French General After a failed Allied offensive in 1916 he was sacked, but was recalled in 1917. 1918 Commander in-Chief of all Allied Armies. In charge of planning that brought German offensive to a halt in 1918 Commanded British Armies from 1915 Reputation damaged by the huge casualties during the Battle of the Somme. Overall strategy proved successful in 1918 Actively promoted new technologies and strategies that helped lead to victory
Score each point out of 10 Marshall Foch Sir Douglas Haig With Haig planned the Allied offensive from August 1918 His extract contribution has been a matter of debate, and the evidence made less clear because of disputes he was involved in during the war with the French govt. and other military leaders. Received many decorations and honours at the end of the War. Spring 1918 led determined resistance against the German Offensive. August 1918 worked under Foch’s command. Captured 200,000 prisoners and 3,000 guns. Haig was seen as a war hero and decorated after the war (despite British casualties)