Welcome Parents to 6th Grade Registration 2014-2015
Online Course Guide The following presentation gives reference to Course Guides for Middle School Campuses which is available online at http://www.georgetownisd.org Or go to GISD Homepage; Departments & Programs; Curriculum & Instruction; Course Guides, Grading & Graduation info.
Required Academic Courses & Options Language Arts Math Science Social Studies *Pre-AP Prerequisites apply See course guide for requirements *Placement based on multiple measures of evidence. Additional required classes may be determined on an individual basis per administrative placement.
Academic Courses State mandated curriculum (TEKS based curriculum) Focus on comprehension, application, analysis and synthesis of subject area content processes and skills Mastery of the TEKS curriculum is measured by performance of state-mandated STAAR assessments C.G. page 4
Pre-AP Courses In addition to the grade level requirements, middle school Pre-AP classes contain the levels of rigor necessary to prepare students for Pre-AP and AP courses in high school. Middle school Pre-AP classes are academically demanding and provide readiness for the increased difficulty in the high school Pre-AP and AP Programs. C.G. p. 4
Pre-AP Classes Prerequisites: See page 24-27 in Course Guide for further details Target Identification Must have a level III advanced standard on a state assessment. Automatic invitation for Pre-AP. Less than Target Identification Must meet 3 of the criteria listed below: 1a. Teacher Rec. from a current subject area teacher 1b. If student does not get teacher rec., then an average of the 4 subject area teachers (matrix score of 32 or greater) 2. Parent recommendation 3a. 80% or higher on a state assessment 3b. If score is below 80%, student must pass a District Generated Criterion Referenced test by 70% If a student meets the criteria, they will be invited to take Pre-AP classes. Maintenance A student must maintain a cumulative average of 75 or higher in an pre-AP class in order to remain in the class. Students with a 74 and below yearly average will be reviewed by the campus placement committee to determine the appropriate placement for the student.
G.T. (Gifted &Talented) Services These classes provide learning experiences for students whose academic and/or intellectual abilities are significantly advanced for their ages. Identified students are served through specific content-based Pre-AP courses. Teachers of GT students are trained in methods of differentiating for gifted students. Students must qualify to be able to receive services. C.G. p 4
Gifted and Talented Services If your child has been identified as a student being served through the Gifted and Talented program, the appropriate course selection will be made for you through the counselor’s office.
Other Required Courses PE/Health (2 semesters) Boys and girls will have separate classes. Fine Arts (2 semesters) All students are required to complete one full year of a Fine Arts course and 4 semesters of PE/Athletics before completing 8th grade.
All Year Electives Rank your top choices from 1-6 You will receive two of these classes: ___Band 1 ___Choir 1 ___Art 1 ___Orchestra 1 ___Theatre 1 ___Keyboarding/Exploring Languages ___Creative Problem Solving (GT only)
Example of a Typical 6th grade Schedule 1st Period: Art I 2nd Period: Math 3rd Period: Health/PE (required) 4th Period: Pre-AP Language Arts 5th Period: Band 6th Period: Science 7th Period: Social Studies
Example two of a Typical 6th grade Schedule 1st Period: Language Arts 2nd Period: Orchestra 1 3rd Period: Math 4th Period: Keyboarding/Exploring Languages 5th Period: Science 6th Period: Health/PE (Required) 7th Period: Social Studies
Example of an atypical schedule 1st Period: Language Arts 2nd Period: Band 3rd Period: Math 4th Period: Learning Power 5th Period: Science 6th Period: Health/PE (Required) 7th Period: Social Studies
LUNCH Lunch will not be listed on the student’s schedule. All 6th grade will have A lunch. A lunch is after 3rd period and before 4th period.
Schedule Changes Please read Page 6 of course guide carefully regarding schedule changes. Be sure to make your choices very carefully, the entire master schedule and staffing depends on what you write down on this form.
Contract I understand every effort will be made to schedule me into my selected electives; however, conflicts may require placement in alternative electives. I understand that I may not change my elective choices. I know that I will be assigned to a class based on my registration form.
Choice Sheets Due Date These choice sheets are due to your child’s 5th grade homeroom teacher by Friday, March 7th or sooner. Be sure your choice sheets are neat and legible.
We are very excited about the upcoming school year We are very excited about the upcoming school year! We want to help make your middle school experience excellent! Please feel free to ask questions and let us know your concerns. We are here to help!
Questions/Concerns/Contacts If you have a question or concern about your child’s transition to the 6th grade, please feel free to call us. Robin Humphrey 943-5090 ext. 6913 Valerie Wells 943-5090 ext. 6927
GT COURSES GISD Middle Schools 2014-2015
Students receive GT services in Pre-AP courses for Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. Students that qualify for GT math may choose to participate in the GT math classes at each grade level GT COURSES
GT COURSES GT courses offered: 6th grade math – primarily 7th grade curriculum, GT level 7th grade math – primarily 8th grade 8th grade math – GT Algebra I 8th grade science – GT 8th grade science GT COURSES
Creative Problem Solving course For all grade levels Primarily using curriculum from Destination Imagination program Opportunity to explore additional research programs (National History Day, Science Fair) GT COURSES
GT COURSES Destination Imagination National program ideal for GT students to learn Problem solving skills, team-work, project completion, friendly competition http://downloads.destinationimagination.org/vi deos/What_is_Destination_Imagination2009.mp 4 GT COURSES
GT COURSES Destination Imagination global levels (Knoxville, TN) work in groups of 4-7 students student led, teacher facilitated no adult input allowed (no adult interference) work with recycled materials solve team challenge, choice of 5 problems compete at local (Austin area), state and global levels (Knoxville, TN) GT COURSES
GT COURSES Destination Imagination Two part competition: Central Challenge – usually involves a skit solving a problem, less than 8 minutes Instant Challenge– solve a challenge as a team, challenge unknown until day of competition GT COURSES
GT COURSES For more information: www.texasdi.org www.idodi.org Questions? Talk to the campus counselor, or Dr. Jana Rueter, Executive Director for Middle Schools, or Vicki Barbosa at Forbes Middle School GT COURSES