Catholic Sexual Ethics The Good News Of Sex and Marriage
Sex and the Church “I don't need a Church to tell me I'm wrong where I already know I'm wrong; I need a Church to tell me I'm wrong where I think I'm right.” - G.K. Chesterton
Lord, make me holy: spirit, soul and body Theology of the Body Lord, make me holy: spirit, soul and body
“…we are called to nuptial love…” Sex and Love “…we are called to nuptial love…” - Pope John Paul II
Chastity: Sex at the service of authentic love “A clean heart is a free heart. A free heart can love Christ with an undivided love in chastity. Chastity places desire at the service of love, especially for those society deems unlovable…” - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
The Art of Chastity 1. self-knowledge 2. practice of self-mastery 3. obedience to the commandments 4. exercise of moral virtues 5. fidelity to prayer
True Love 1. Free 2. Total 3. Faithful 4. Fruitful
The Gospel of Chastity Scripture Tradition Reason
Catholic sex: a teaching for all humanity
Sins against Chastity Lust Masturbation fornication adultery pornography prostitution rape homosexuality
Catholic Sexual Ethics The Good News Of Sex and Marriage