Medium-induced jet flavor conversion in e+A


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Presentation transcript:

Medium-induced jet flavor conversion in e+A Wei-Tian Deng (邓维天) in collaboration with Ning-Bo Chang (畅宁波), Xin-Nian Wang (王新年)

Semi-Inclusive Deeply Inelastic Scattering Jet Produced in Medium Heavy Ion collisions Jet (hard probe) created by parton scattering with large pT. ——penetrate QGP ——Jet quenching Semi-Inclusive Deeply Inelastic Scattering Struck quark with large virtuality ——travel through the remnant of large nucleus. ——Jet energy loss

Medium Induced gluon radiation Medium modified Frag Function Hard parton travel through QCD medium Suffer multiple parton scattering The accepted explanation for Jet Quenching Induced gluon radiation Reduce the energy and virtuality

Medium Induced q-qbar Pair Production Medium modified Frag Function Hard parton travel through QCD medium Suffer multiple parton scattering The accepted explanation for Jet Quenching Induced q-qbar pair production Induced gluon radiation Change final hadron flavor composition Reduce the energy and virtuality

High-twist model medium modified fragmentation function (mFF): medium-modified DGLAP (mDGLAP): X. F. Guo and X. N. Wang Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3591(2000) B. W. Zhang and X. N. Wang Nucl. Phys. A 720, 429 (2003) numerically N. B. Chang, WTD, X. N. Wang Phys.Rev. C89 (2014) 3, 034911 The flavor of initial quark could be converted to others

Encode nuclear geometry: 1, Woods-Saxon 2, Medium modification factor in e+A: Compare with HERMES data

Extract parameter from Jet energy loss Extract parameter value:

Jet flavor conversion Vacuum FF To get clear signal of flavor conversion Consitituent quarks (ubar, s) of K- are not any valence quarks (u, d) in target nucleus Vacuum FF At intermediate and large z region, the FF to K- is dominated by its consitituent quarks (ubar, s) The FF of (u, d …) fall off exponentially at large z. The ratio is sensitive to flavor conversion

Ratio of Final effective mFF/Vacuum FF At intermediate z, the mFF’s are all suppressed due to energy loss. At small z, mFF’s are all enhanced due to soft gluon and pair production. At large z: the mFF of initial struck (ubar, s) are suppressed due to energy loss. But for initial struck (u, d …) quarks, there is an enhancement due to flavor conversion. N. B. Chang, WTD, X. N. Wang Phys.Rev. C92 (2015) no.5, 055207

To test the sensitivity of K- to the flavor conversion, we choose two xB regions: Moderate xB region ~0.1 Large xB region ~0.5 Valence+Sea quarks Only Valence quarks

N. B. Chang, WTD, X. N. Wang Phys.Rev. C92 (2015) no.5, 055207 At moderate xB ~0.1 Both valence quarks and sea quarks are struck as initial jet. flatter than K+ Comes from the competition of : Enhancement of (u, d) quarks Suppression of (ubar, s) quarks

The evidence in HERMES In HERMES data, its xB value is about xB~0.1 HERMES data shows already a relative rise of K- spectra compare to K+ at large z.

At large xB ~0.5 Only valence quarks are struck as initial jet. N. B. Chang, WTD, X. N. Wang Phys.Rev. C92 (2015) no.5, 055207 At large xB ~0.5 Only valence quarks are struck as initial jet. Large enhancement Comes only from: The enhancement of (u, d) quarks

Prediction of Enhancement Not obvious Clear enhancement Compare to proton

Summary and Outlook nuclear modification factor for K- in e+A at large z is very sensitive to medium induced flavor conversion. Beside energy loss, flavor conversion is another independent probe of the properties of nuclear medium. To understand the flavor substructure of jet in hot medium

Thank you!

As a function of Q2: X. F. Guo, Phys. Rev. D58,114033(1998)

Results with DSS for K