Special target groups
Where to start....? Equipment modifications Enviroment modifications Rule or Task modifications Instructional modifications (European Commission: ”Count Me In”, Sports and Physical Activities for Persons with a Disability
EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS Designing equipment is ergonomics!
ERGONOMICS Gymnast (g) – worker (w)
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker Equipment – tools
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker Equipment – tools Movements (g / w)
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker Equipment – tools Movements (g / w) = TASK MODIFICATION
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker Equipment – tools
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker Equipment – tools Movement (g / w)
ERGONOMICS Gymnast – worker Equipment – tools Movements (g / w) = TASK FOR YOU! (Not for code of points!)
ENVIRONMENT MODIFICATIONS Any gym can be an attractive operational environment for gymnastics for all!
ENVIRONMENT MODIFICATIONS The old gyms can also be modified to be attractive!
ENVIRONMENT MODIFICATIONS Now the old gym is full of life!
ENVIRONMENT MODIFICATIONS Creative people do not need expensive equipment!
TASK MODIFICATIONS After modifications tasks become more and more challenging!
TASK MODIFICATIONS After modifications tasks become more and more challenging step by step!
WHEN WE PARTICPATE we will learn.
WHEN WE PARTICIPATE we will learn, how to work!
WHEN WE PARTICIPATE we will learn, how to work together!
WHEN WE PARTICIPATE we will learn, how to teach others!
WHEN WE PARTICIPATE we will learn even difficult skills!
Dear friends, After equipment, environment and task modification teaching is easy and…
they enjoy! Copyright of the template belongs to the FIG Photos: Salla Keskinen and Erkki Tervo