Understanding Music and Worship Chapter 6: Created To Worship Exalt His Name Understanding Music and Worship Chapter 6: Created To Worship
Created To Worship
Created To Worship All creation points to God’s Power Majesty Glory Love Wisdom
Created To Worship Three Revelations With each separate revelation, God shares more of himself to us
Created To Worship Three Revelations Through Creation God shows His power and Glory. His creativeness “if you will” His attention to intricate detail
Created To Worship Three Revelations Through His Creation Through His Son Through His Son, God reveals His love, mercy and grace
Created To Worship Three Revelations Through His Creation Through His Son Through His second coming He will reveal his full nature to us His plans will be fulfilled This is really unknown to us.
5 Creation Principles that affect Worship
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays The awesome wonder of God
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays The awesome wonder of God He is Spirit He is beyond our comprehension He is unique
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays The awesome wonder of God The almighty work of God
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays the almighty work of God He fashions every detail and purpose for His glory and our good He creates out of nothing He gives life, bestows blessing, provides for needs and offers fulfillment
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays The awesome wonder of God The almighty work of God The astonishing wisdom of God
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays the astonishing wisdom of God The wisdom of God makes everything to work together cohesively Everything is in His order and time, according to His plan He plans and charts the way of His children
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays The awesome wonder of God The almighty work of God The astonishing wisdom of God The absolute wishes of God
4 Creation Principles that affect Worship Creation displays the absolute wishes of God God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 (NIV)
What follows is that Creation demands that we respond with appropriate worship to God When we see the Awesome wonder of his greatness The intricate detail of His creation How everything works together How He blesses and provides for us We then know who God is and we cannot help but want to worship Him
Discussion What does honest worship look/feel like Have you ever experienced a time that it just clicked for you/ just didn’t happen – what do you think was the difference This week seemed really pointed to the worship leader – how can you relate it to your own life
Lessons on Worship from the Next Week Large Picture Lessons on Worship from the Red Sea Event
Thank You Christopher R Carlson 262 902 1579 Chris@Carlsonworld.net www.carlsonworld.com