This term we have a number of exciting events happening in school: MATHS As mathematicians, we will be ordering events to show how the invention of the telephone progressed through time. We will be creating charts to show how much time people spend on their telephones and deciphering which age groups, on average, spend the most or least times on their phones This is in addition to our daily maths lesson. ENGLISH As writers, we will be looking at a variety of texts all around the topic of inventors and their inventions. This term we will be focusing on texts around the telephone and trains. We will be creating information texts and booklets on both inventions. We will also be learning how to prepare for and take part in a debate. We will debate which invention changed the world more; the toilet or the telephone. READING As readers, we will be looking at a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts, many of these linked to our theme work. We will be enhancing our skills at making inferences and picking out vital information from texts. We will also be looking at writing formal written answers to questions about the texts. HISTORY As historians, we will be looking at how the invention of the telephone changed the world. We will be researching into how telephones have changed over time and how communication has improved throughout the world. We will be using various sources to ask and answer questions about technology in the past. Eureka! Year 4 Term 2 ART As artists, we will be researching and exploring the work of J. S. Millais. We will using our drawing skills and investigating and using different formal drawing techniques to recreate our own versions of ‘The Boyhood of Raleigh’ and ‘Ophelia’. P.E As athletes we will be putting on our dancing shoes! We will be learning how to break dance. We will be working together to learn and perform a routine. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit, including trousers and trainers as we may be outside. GEOGRAPHY As geographers, we will be investigating how telephones are used throughout the world. We will be seeing if they are used for different or similar purposes in a variety of climates. SCIENCE As scientists we will be identifying how sounds are made and how vibrations travel through the air in the ear. We will also be investigating sound proofing materials and seeing which material would be best to keep sound out. THE WIDER CURRICULUM This term we have a number of exciting events happening in school: Art Week: Year 4 will be looking at the sculptor Henry Moore and creating their own sculpture inspired by Henry. We will also be learning new drawing skills to help us to create an accurate drawing of a leopard. Anti-Bullying Week: We will be focusing on respect this week. We will be looking in detail as to how we speak to one another respectfully. PARENT EVENT – 28th November from 2pm. Come to our very own Dragons’ Den!