April 27th Clean Air Council Meeting Upcoming 2018 CAC Meetings Funding Opportunities Discussion Climate Change Messaging Workshop
Upcoming 2018 Meetings Friday May 25th, 2018 – Resilient Homes and Buildings (meeting registration) (webinar registration) Friday June 22nd, 2018 - Air Quality Monitoring (meeting registration) (webinar registration) Friday September 21st, 2018 – Climate Change and Official Plans (meeting registration) (webinar registration) Friday September 28th, 2018 – Improving Collaboration Workshop (meeting registration) (webinar registration) Friday October 26th, 2018 – Distributed Energy Partnerships and Business Models (meeting registration) (webinar registration) Friday November 16th, 2018 – Green Development Standards (meeting registration) (webinar registration) Friday November 23rd, 2018 – Green Procurement (meeting registration) (webinar registration)
Upcoming To Dos EV employee policy Green procurement webinars Corporate energy webinars Green Infrastructure meeting/webinar Sustainability Training, Tracking & Reporting
Funding Opportunities Round Two of the Municipal Challenge Fund announced and deadline is July 13th, 2018 more info available at: http://www.grants.gov.on.ca/GrantsPortal/en/OntarioGrants/GrantO pportunities/PRDR017538 Up to $2m per project. Up to 100% of funds covered, but applications with matching funding viewed more favourably. Municipalities only
Environment and Climate Change Canada - Low Carbon Economy Challenge The $450 million Champions stream will provide funding to all eligible applicants (provinces and territories, municipalities, Indigenous communities and organizations, businesses and not-for- profit organizations.) The Champions stream is now open for applications, with a deadline of May 14, 2018. Minimum $1m, Max $50m per project to a maximum of 40% of total eligible expenditure. Partnership Stream: $50M limited to Indigenous communities and organizations, small and medium-sized businesses, not-for-profit organizations and small municipalities. Will open later in 2018
FCM - Climate Change Staff Grants: FCM - Climate Change Staff Grants: Grants of up to $125,000 to cover the salary of one staff person. Eligible applicants can receive a maximum of one climate change staff grant. Funding for up to 80 per cent of eligible costs over a two-year period. FCM strongly encourages applications from small and medium-sized communities, particularly those in the early stages of maturity on our self- assessment scales: Populations of 150,000 or less Two or more municipalities that will share the services of one grant-funded staff person Applications are accepted until June 29, 2018. Limited funding is available.
Green Ontario Fund – Green ON Challenge Municipalities cant apply on their own but may form part of an eligible organization’s proposal EOI Due May 25th, 2018 CAP will be putting in an EOI to undertake a pilot Local Improvement Charge Program. The format for this pilot will be to have a third party play the role of providing capital, undertaking marketing and outreach, contractor outreach, providing client support, performance evaluation, and compilation of the documenting of experiences. The pilot municipalities would NOT need to commit to setting up a LIC mechanism but they DO have to commit to undertaking work to advance the LIC opportunity through their municipality and documenting any activities and insights. Our target is for at least 50% of pilot municipalities moving on to setting up an LIC onto their property tax bill, but that is a target. The pilot would try to advance marketing, outreach and program delivery aspects at a provincial scale but would be trying to understand what are the municipal and community opportunities to increase the market uptake and program delivery at the local level (bottom – up opportunities to increase uptake) that can augment the top – down higher level marketing and outreach that would be undertaken.
Pilot Project Q’s What are the issues and challenges that a municipality encounters as it goes through the process of advancing a LIC attachment to residents as part of this program? What are the additional municipal administrative requirements related to managing the energy-retrofit LICs over time? what are the additional municipal administrative requirements (staff time and financial) for managing energy-retrofit LIC repayments for the term of the LIC? what are the repayment mechanisms, challenges, issues? Who are the key players within the municipality and community that can help support the third-party delivery agent with program outreach and increase uptake locally what could these key local players do in order to increase program uptake what marketing and outreach avenues are available to these key local players to promote the program and increase uptake at the local level what mechanisms are available at the local level to reach out to contractors
FCM - Transition 2050 Grants for Partner Organizations Grants of up to $400,000 will be provided for up to 80% of eligible project costs. Grants are available to Canadian not-for-profit, non-governmental organizations (and groups of organizations), including: Provincial and territorial municipal associations, Professional and industry associations, Educational institutions Expression of Interest deadline is May 25, 2018 Green Development Standards? Municipal Corporate Energy COP? Suggestions/Ideas/Priorities?