Jeffersonian Republic 1800-1812
A New Style Of Government Jefferson tried to cutback on government He reduced the size of the army Halted an expansion of the navy Cut back on costs of government social functions
Jeffersonian Restraint Jefferson surprisingly kept most of Hamilton’s Financial Plan intact Kept most of government officials Did get rid of excise tax As a president, Jefferson is pragmatist rather than an idealist Alien and Sedition Acts expire – prisoners pardoned Congress enacted new naturalization law Succeeded in cutting national debt and balancing budget by cutting government spending. Government that governs least, governs best
THE “MIDNIGHT JUDGES” As Adams is about to leave office, he pushes through Congress the Judiciary Act of 1801 He adds 16 new federal judges! All the new judges are…Federalists. (Adams hopes to influence future federal judiciary decisions.)
JOHN MARSHALL AND THE SUPREME COURT Adams appointed John Marshall as Chief Justice; Marshall served for 30 years Helped to strengthen the Supreme Court Ruled on some of the most important cases in US history
JEFFERSON’S REACTION TO ADAMS’ “PACKING THE COURT” Furious! – Jefferson argues that some of the documents authorizing the appointments had not been delivered by the time Adams left office, they were invalid THIS LED TO ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT COURT CASES OF ALL TIME: MARBURY v. MADISON This case establishes the court’s power of judicial review
The Louisiana Purchase 1801, Napoleon persuades Spain to return Louisiana to France. Jefferson does not want a French presence mid-continent Offers to buy New Orleans & western Florida from the French Sends James Monroe to negotiate with Napoleon to purchase New Orleans for $10 million
“Let’s Make a Deal” Napoleon had tried to re-conquer France’s most important island colony (Haiti), but failed Napoleon wants to sell all of Louisiana! Monroe and Livingston (US Ambassador to France) close the deal for $15,000,000
Is the Purchase Constitutional? Jefferson actually doubted that the government could legally buy Louisiana He was a “strict constructionist” – no where in the Constitution does it say a President can buy land It will cost and the debt will rise Federalists dislike it b/c new western lands will be loyal to the Republicans But Senate ratified the treaty. Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the size of the US Western half of richest river valley in the world Guaranteed Mississippi waterway to the Gulf of Mexico including N.O. Paved the way for expansion Ended European expansion in North America Avoided war w/ France Boosted American nationalism
LEWIS AND CLARK “The Corps of Discovery” – Jefferson appoints Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new territory From St. Louis to the Pacific Information about unknown plants and animals Learn as much as possible about Native Americans as they travel through the region 2 years and 4 months resulting in acquisition of invaluable info about the western territories Sacajawea serves as interpreter and guide
Tripolitan War 1801-1805 Attacked by pirates of N. Africa Pasha of Tripoli declared war on U.S. Jefferson wanted to reduce the size of the military but sent new navy to Tripoli U.S. Navy led by Stephen Decatur US pays $60,000 for the release of captured Americans & Tripoli stops attacks
Jefferson reelected in 1804
Burr Conspiracy Burr vice president under TJ Small group of Federalist extremists plotted New England’s secession from the union and the creation of a seven-state northern confederacy Federalist-dominated New England felt threatened by Jefferson’s political dominance & the LA Purchase Tried to get Hamilton to run for governor of NY then lead the secessionist movement - Hamilton refused They then turned to Burr Hamilton defeated Burr in NY Governor election Burr challenged him to a duel – killed Hamilton
Burr Conspiracy 1806 – Burr made an alliance with the governor of the Louisiana Territory and planned to separate the western US from the east Burr was betrayed by the governor, who told Jefferson Burr arrested & tried for treason John Marshall dropped the case when 2 witnesses for government couldn’t be found Burr flees to Europe
Jefferson: Impressment & Embargo Seas ruled by Britain Britain at war w/ France Chesapeake Affair British Commander of the H.M.S. Leopard demanded surrender of four alleged Br. deserters on the U.S.S. Chesapeake - American captain refused Leopard fired at the Chesapeake: 3 dead; 18 wounded British deserters were arrested Jefferson called for action Forbade British ships to dock at American ports Ordered state governors to bring up militia
Embargo Act 1807 Banned the exportation of any goods to any countries Jefferson hoped to force France & England to respect Americans Hurt the profits of US merchants – hated by Americans Repealed in 1809 – replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act – opened trade to everyone except Britain & France
James Madison Becomes President
Madison’s Gamble 1809 – James Madison becomes 4th President Congress issued Macon’s Bill No. 2 Reopened American trade with the world Britain refuses to allow trade with French US, in return, embargoes only Britain Macon’s Bill No. 2 leads to War of 1812
The British & The Indians Congress meets in 1811 “War Hawks” wanted to go to war with Britain and wanted to eliminate Indian threats to pioneers Tecumseh – Shawnee- unified many Indian tribes in an alliance with the British British provide weapons to Indians to fight settlers William Henry Harrison – governor of Indiana Territory – defeated the Shawnee at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Mr. Madison’s War June 1, 1812 – Madison asks Congress for a declaration of war against Britain – passes Democratic-Republicans who supported the war felt that the country had to assert American rights to the world Wanted to invade Canada to defeat Indians Federalists supported Britain War of 1812 becomes “2nd War for Independence”