Art and regeneration in Haverfordwest Stalled Spaces Art and regeneration in Haverfordwest Town teams, tool kits and Masterplans.... Martin White Head of Regeneration Pembrokeshire County Council Wednesday 7th September, 2016 The Lab, Haverfordwest
Background to the establishment of town teams in Pembrokeshire Their role and achievements - evaluation From “action plans to “masterplans”.... Next steps....
Number of recommendations, including the establishment of town teams Our approach To review and analyse – Report to Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2013 Number of recommendations, including the establishment of town teams Budget £750K over 3 years, matched funding required. Each town prepared an action plan – a list of their priorities under 3 generic themes: Economic Environmental Marketing – events Evaluation
Masterplans Focus on strategic issues – guide for investors/property owners Used to bid for external funding Set a direction – vision, objectives, themes.... Strategic regeneration sites – river corridor
Successful place making.... Vision/strategy/masterplan Commitment, drive, enthusiasm Inclusive and community led....
Role of the local authority To provide leadership To facilitate and enable, and set the conditions for investment Less direct delivery...??