What is it and why should we be aware of it? Otherness What is it and why should we be aware of it?
Otherness: What is it? The idea of ‘otherness’ is central to sociological analyses of how majority and minority identities are constructed. This is because the representation of different groups within any given society is controlled by groups that have greater political power.
* Identities (our uniqueness) - are often thought as being natural or innate – something that we are born with – but sociologists highlight that this taken-for-granted view is not true. Social identities reflect the way individuals and groups internalize established social categories within their societies, such as their cultural (or ethnic) identities, gender identities, class identities, and so on.
What can directly affect our identity? These social categories shape our ideas about who we think we are, how we want to be seen by others, and the groups to which we belong. What can directly affect our identity?
Wait… Have we answered what “Otherness” is yet? Otherness is the creation of minority groups. The segregation of individuals into categories. The explicit focus on differences and having those differences define who a person is or a group of people. Otherness – is being different from the majority. The more you are different – the more you are “othered.”
How does “Otherness” affect identity? Humans will always wish to belong to or within a group because we are social creatures. *Yes, we can be introverted or ‘loners,’ but social interaction is still a key aspect of our being. This means we will strive to ‘fit’ within some group and this will directly affect our identity or traits we wish to take on. If you are ‘othered’ you will seek out individuals who have similar personality traits, physical features, likes/dislikes and so on.
What if you are not like anyone else?