Commercial Space Transportation Development of International Industry Standards ASTM’s Commercial Spaceflight Committee (F47) 16 January 2019 Oscar S. Garcia Chairman and CEO, InterFlight Global Corporation ASTM F 47 Executive Committee Member and Membership Secretary
The Commercial Space Transportation Industry’s safe, compliant, scalable and profitable growth requires that industry develops, maintains and adopts voluntary consensus standards Source: FAA-AST’s Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC) Standards Working Group Finding, 2016)
(As per Federal Law; OMB A-119 and NTTAA) In 2016, the Commercial Spaceflight Federation and US Industry launched ASTM’s Commercial Spaceflight Committee (F47), with the participation of the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST) Industry Voluntary Consensus Standards are preferred means of compliance with existing, streamlined and new regulations (As per Federal Law; OMB A-119 and NTTAA)
Commercial Spaceflight Committee (F47) https://www. astm Scope The scope of the Committee shall be the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards and recommended practices for the commercial spaceflight industry. Areas to address in standards include, but are not limited to, design, manufacturing and operational use of vehicles used for spaceflight. The committee shall also develop human spaceflight safety standards. The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM committees and organizations having mutual interest.
Commercial Spaceflight Committee (F47) Subcommittees and Task Groups Work In Progress F47.01 – Occupant Safety of Suborbital Vehicles PPO2 Task Group Solar Particle Event TG Fault Tolerance TG F47.02 – Occupant Safety of Orbital Vehicles F47.03 – Unoccupied Launch & Reentry Vehicles Space Vehicle Types TG – meeting monthly; informed by Airspace ARC Flight Controller Training TG F47.04 – Spaceport Storage Use and Handling of Liquid Rocket Propellants TG – standard balloted Common Data Communications-new activity F47.05 – Crosscutting Informed Consent TG Reportable Incidents TG – recently established F47.91 – Terminology Nomenclature TG – in balloting process
Commercial Spaceflight Committee (F47) Subject Matter Experts Are Invited to Join Contact Kristy Straiton, Manager, Technical Committee Operations ASTM INTERNATIONAL Office +1.610.832.9640 M: +1.267.475.9337 E: *ASTM International is a leading non-profit organization devoted to the development of international standards. For more than 100 years, ASTM has served society as a leading venue for consumers, industry and regulators to work collaboratively under a balanced and consensus–based process to craft voluntary consensus standards. ASTM International meets the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles for developing international standards, and maintains the attributes outlined in the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) for a voluntary consensus standards development organization. ASTM standards are used globally in research and development, product testing, quality systems, commercial transactions, and more.
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