Sherlock Holmes , a great detective of the world, had a difficult case to solve. One rich family owned a lot of jewels. There was a gold ring with a large diamond, too. One day lady Ann wanted to sport it.
She opened the treasure case. But alas! She was looking for her expensive ring for about one hour. Lady Ann couldn´t find the ring anywhere. She started to think when she saw it last time. It was before her son´s birthday party.
What were people doing during the party? Cook, Mr.Whipper, was preparing some meal for the guests. He was chopping onions . He was crying when lady Ann entered the kitchen. Didn´t he have any troubles?
What were children doing? Lady Ann´s son Bob was in the hall. He was inviting kids to come in. Kids were giving him the presents. Bob was very happy. It was his ninth birthday.
What was the guitarist doing? The guitarist, Mr Brown, was sitting on the chair and singing old favourite songs. Children enjoyed his playing the guitar and singing. So he was so busy. Kids were asking for many songs.
What was the gardener doing? The gardener was cutting grass with the scissors in the garden. She was happy. It was a very nice sunny day. She was listening to guitarist´s music and she was singing his songs loudly. Everybody heard her.
Why was a postman at the house? The postman brought a letter for Jim, the housekeeper. The postman didn´t enter the house. He was standing and waiting only at the front door.
What was a ballerina doing? The ballerina was dancing. She prepared a joyful dancing. She was changing her clothes in the bathroom, but did she have reason to steal the ring?
What was Jack, the family friend, doing? Jack came for a birthday party because he likes to eat a lot. He is a very greedy young man. His behavior isn´t OK, but it doesn´t mean he is a robber of the ring.
Why is this monkey here? This monkey ran away from the nearest zoo. Nobody knew about it in the house. Monkey is very clever and handy. This monkey is the ROBBER. It likes to take things to people.
What is lady Ann doing now? Lady Ann is very happy now . She can smile , because she has got a reason. She has got her expensive ring again. Lady is sitting with her legs on the top of the desk and hands crossed over her head. She is having a rest.
What are grandparents doing? They are very exciting, because the ring was the heritage. They couldn´t believe the ring was found and everything is all right. Monkey was given into the cage at the zoo, of course .
What is Sherlock Holmes doing ? He is smiling happily he helped lady Ann and her family to find the jewel. Everybody was surprised for finding monkey in the house. Good luck in solving the other cases, dear Sherlock Holmes!
Vytvorila : Mgr. Helena Demčáková Základná škola, Sídlisko II 1336, 093 01 Vranov nad Topľou Predmet : Anglický jazyk Téma : Minulý priebehový čas Ročník : 7.,8.,9. Zdroj obrázkov :