Images From Afghanistan Power Point to accompany the lesson “Forbidden Faces: Effects of Taliban Rule on Women in Afghanistan” Available in CEC’s Database of Civic Resources
Afghan women riding in the back of a taxi because they are now allowed to ride in the seated section under Taliban law. Choose a Layout …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions.
An Afghan woman being beaten by a traditionally dressed Talib for breaking a Taliban law. Notice the young child looking on and how the other women are unable to help the victimized woman. Source: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
An Afghan woman and her son walking along a road An Afghan woman and her son walking along a road. Keep in mind that temperatures often exceed 100* in many parts of Afghanistan.
Source: A gathering of Afghan women. Notice how their burkas are all similar in color, increasingly the anonymity and limiting individuality. Burkas are most often dark blue or grey.
Source: National Geographic
Source: National Geographic