Third Summit mandate (2005) 1 Third Summit mandate (2005) 1. Mainstreaming children’s rights in all CoE policies 2. Coordinate all CoE activities concerning children
Council of Europe answer Launching of the programme “Building a Europe for and with children” promote children’s rights protect children from violence Establishment of a “Coordination unit” Establishment of a “Task Force”
Better use and combine 5 CoE tools Approach Better use and combine 5 CoE tools Standard setting Monitoring Policy development Awareness raising, education, training Bilateral co-operation and technical assistance
Approach Ensure involvement Internally Understand the needs, constrains and expectations of different partners/colleagues Build trust Achieve ownership (share objectives, decide together) Give visibility and recognition Propose joint activities Support financially (whenever possible)
Approach Ensure involvement Externally Communicate vision and objectives Understand the needs, constrains and expectations of different partners Involve in decision making Propose joint activities and partnerships Support financially (whenever possible)
Some Results Standards New Convention on the protection of children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse Rules for institutions having minors in detention or subject to community sanctions Justice for Children:Ministers of Justice to discuss access of children to justice
Some Results Monitoring Policy development Monitoring mechanisms of the CoE examine children’s access to them and take better into account children’s interests and needs Commissioner for Human Rights: increased reference to children in opinions and statements Policy development Education of Roma children Human Rights education for children Street children National policy reviews Children with disabilities
Awareness and training Some Results Awareness and training A website devoted to all CoE activities on children ( Training manual to teach human rights to children (Compasito) Training manual to reduce violence in schools Publications on positive parenting Publication on violence against children and CoE instruments
Awareness and training Some Results Awareness and training On line compendium of ECHR case law related to children On line game to show children how to use Internet safely Campaign against corporal punishment of children
Assessment Increased visibility at Programme and activity levels (internal and external) Effective coordination Mainstreaming of children rights in education, justice, social and family policies Improved co-operation with international organisations Increased support by governments, parliamentarians, NGOs and private sector Progress in implementation!!
Three messages in conclusion 1. Children’s rights call for a strategic approach 2. Children’s rights concern us all 3. Children’s rights make Europe grow!