Unicorn Etiquette
Unicorn Etiquette Usually unicorn knows how to use manners with others.
Unicorn Etiquette When unicorn uses manners she keeps her hooves to herself.
Unicorn Etiquette Sometimes Unicorn forgets to keep her hooves to herself and she hugs her teachers and friends. Oops I forgot!
Unicorn Etiquette Then she remembers that it is okay to say “hi” or wave to her teachers and friends at school and save her hugs for her family. Thanks for saying Hi! Hi!
Unicorn Etiquette When Unicorn uses her manners she uses nice words to talk to others. Excuse Me.
Unicorn Etiquette When unicorn uses her manners everyone is happy!
Unicorn Etiquette Sometimes unicorn forgets to use her manners. GET OUT OF MY WAY!
Unicorn Etiquette When unicorn forgets to use her manners her mother has to remind her. Please remember to use your Manners! I will try my best.
Unicorn Etiquette When unicorn forgets her manners her friend’s feelings get hurt. I am SAD.
Unicorn Etiquette Unicorn needs to know her engine speed. TOO LOW JUST RIGHT TOO HIGH
Unicorn Etiquette When unicorn’s engine speed is TOO LOW she needs to move her body. TOO LOW JUST RIGHT TOO HIGH
Unicorn Etiquette When unicorn’s engine speed is JUST RIGHT she is ready to work! TOO LOW JUST RIGHT TOO HIGH
Unicorn Etiquette Before unicorn’s engine speed is TOO HIGH, it is time for a BREAK! BREAK TOO LOW JUST RIGHT TOO HIGH
Unicorn Etiquette Just like Unicorns it is important for you to know when your engine speed is getting too high. I need a break!
Unicorn Etiquette Unicorn is anxious to show you 3 ways to use manners. 1. Use nice words to talk to others. 2. Keep your hands to yourself. 3. Take a break before your engine speed is too high. Doing these 3 things will help you use Unicorn manners.
Unicorn Etiquette When should the unicorn take a break? A. Before Too Low B. Before Just Right C. Before Too High TOO LOW JUST RIGHT TOO HIGH The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2011 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission. Boardmaker® is a trademark of Mayer-Johnson LLC.