Year 2 SATs Information Evening
Welcome Anxiety and Worries What we are doing right now Moving forward – what to expect Example Questions from Y2 Spag test Example Questions from Y2 Reading paper Example Questions from Maths reasoning paper Example Spelling from Y2 Spelling test Expected Standard of Writing in Y2 How you can help Mental Health Questions
Anxiety and Worries At Haslington Primary, we aim to eliminate pressures of the SATS from the children. We encourage their learning in a positive way and say the SATs are a way of showing off what you have learnt through your early Primary education. We don’t put any pressure on them to add to any anxiety or pressure that they may feel. It's normal for children to feel worried or anxious from time to time, but for some children, anxiety affects their behaviour and thoughts every day, interfering with their school, home and social life. The test is delivered in small groups and we call them a quick quiz to see what you know, a chance to shine. Children have already been receiving past papers questions as part of their normal learning and are becoming familiar in the way questions are worked and set out. So they are not put off when they receive their booklet. Signs to look out for in your child are: * not sleeping, or waking in the night with bad dreams * not eating properly * quickly getting angry or irritable, and being out of control during outbursts * constantly worrying or having negative thoughts * feeling tense and fidgety, or using the toilet often * always crying * being clingy * complaining of tummy aches and feeling unwell We can only ask for 100% effort
What are we doing now Year 2 children are working hard in school to learn all of the content needed to achieve end of year 2 expected. In year two, the tests are just a confirmation of our teacher assessments. We are looking at example reading questions during Whole Class Guided Reading and working through these together and independently. We are completing weekly Big Writes, using all our prior learning to show what we have learnt and these are used to inform us of where the children are in their writing. Daily maths homework is helping the children to remember strategies they have been taught throughout the year. To refresh and re-cap learning.
Maths Workshop We are offering a maths workshop, as many parents have asked us how they can support their children at home. After a quick demonstration on how we deliver a method of teaching there are games and activities for you to complete with your child. We can them support you and your child privately and answer and questions you may have.
Example Reading test Questions
Writing at Expected Standard in Year 2
Example Maths test Questions
Example SPAG test Questions
How you can help? Help children with their Homework and attend the maths workshops, so together we can teach the children the same methods. Maybe let them have a go first and then review together and look at the answers. Read, read and read. At least 10/15 minutes a night. Asking a range of retrieval and inference questions. Discuss the words in the book, do they know what they mean? Talk to your child, what are they learning? Can they write you 3 things a week? For example; the shopping list, a story, 3 things they have enjoyed, a letter (maybe to persuade you to do or go somewhere?) Continue to practise spellings with your child.
Mental Health and Wellbeing It is really important to make sure we try not to pressure the children. We want them to feel relaxed and ready to shine. We want to reassure you and your child that these tests at the end of the day are tests and not the end of the world. Trying their best is absolutely all we can ask. We want to protect the overall wellbeing of the child. A happy child is a healthy child.