Setting the Vision for 2013-2014 November 2013 Science Leaders Network Meeting Setting the Vision for 2013-2014 Have posted as teachers enter the room Encourage teachers to sit with at least two people that they do not know well. Start on time! November 4, 2013
Purpose and Vision Create an atmosphere of openness, collegiality and true professionalism through: Shared Norms and Common Language Promoting Professional Growth through Collaboration Making Data-informed Decisions Engaging Students through Research-based Best Practices Encouraging Reflective Practice Go over this slide. Ask teachers to purposely look for these throughout the day. Facilitators—Each of these will be represented throughout the day. Below shows where purpose ties into the day. These are just for your information. Shared Vision and Common Language: Common District-wide Norms, Pacing Guides, and Common Core/Next Generation Science/State Updates Promoting Professional Growth: Next Generation Standards, elective sessions, lots of collaborative/networking time built into the day Engaging Students in Best Practices: Next Generation Science Framework and practices Research Based-practices: 8 Science and Engineering Practices for the Next Generation Science Standards Reflective Practice: Reflection Sheet, small group discussions, and Practices Rating Sheet
Secondary Science District Norms Keep Students at the center of all decisions. Be respectful of other’s time — Begin and end on time Maintain an open and safe atmosphere for communication and collaboration Remain positive, task/purpose-focused, respectful, and courteous Actively participate and bring requested materials Share a sense of responsibility for student learning Be professional at all times Be the student you want in your class Be sure that the District Norms poster is visible in the room. These were developed by the science teachers in district-wide PD last year. They will be our common norms at all district meetings and professional development. Each school received one of these at the August in-service. Encourage them to use them in their department and school meetings.
Alternative Energies Middle School Modules An HCDE/UTC Project Grades 3-8 science and Biology I will now be figured into a two-year “Success Rate” that will then be used to rank schools across the state. This is essentially just the percentage of students who score proficient/advanced. A big component of the plan is to reduce achievement gaps between: White and other races Economically Disadvantaged and Non-economically disadvantaged ELL and non-ELL Students with Disabilities and Regular Education Emphasize that the Constructed Response Assessment (CRA) previously given in grades 3 and 7 will only be for grades 3-8 math this year (no state science CRA). TCAP will remain the same.
Nonfiction Texts and Science: Using the CCSS to Support my Content Private Think Time – Read and Mark Article Discuss: 1 Aha/Confirmation/Take Away 1 Strategy that you use to support student understanding of informational texts
Hamilton County EXPLORE Science TVAAS Data The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. We also want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. The Next Generation Science Framework is now operational and information about it is on our website ( Every campus is going to get one copy (book) of the Framework through their department head/lead teacher.
Hamilton County TVAAS Data Explore The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. We also want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. The Next Generation Science Framework is now operational and information about it is on our website ( Every campus is going to get one copy (book) of the Framework through their department head/lead teacher.
Hamilton County PLAN Science TVAAS Data The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. We also want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. The Next Generation Science Framework is now operational and information about it is on our website ( Every campus is going to get one copy (book) of the Framework through their department head/lead teacher.
Hamilton County TVAAS Data Plan The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. We also want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. The Next Generation Science Framework is now operational and information about it is on our website ( Every campus is going to get one copy (book) of the Framework through their department head/lead teacher.
Hamilton County ACT Science TVAAS Data The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. We also want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. The Next Generation Science Framework is now operational and information about it is on our website ( Every campus is going to get one copy (book) of the Framework through their department head/lead teacher.
Hamilton County TVAAS Data ACT The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. We also want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. The Next Generation Science Framework is now operational and information about it is on our website ( Every campus is going to get one copy (book) of the Framework through their department head/lead teacher.
Goals for the 2013-2014 School Year Pass out the copy of the 8 Habits of Practices (Pp. 49-53). Give Private Think Time to read and highlight/mark important ideas that stand out to them on the handout. (5-10 minutes) Hand out the Scientific Habits of Practice Stages sheet. Briefly go over the 6 stages and the structure of the rating sheet. Note that there are two columns: - Scientific Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which they do science as an adult science learner. - Habit-of-Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which their classroom develops student’s use of each practice. In short, the first column is about the practices that they personally use when learning science and the second column is about the practices that they make an effort to emphasize in the classroom with their students. (2-3 minutes) Give Private Think Time for participants to fill out the form. (2-3 minutes)
Goals for the 2013-2014 School Year Private Think Time: What are your school’s successes? What surprises you? Pass out the copy of the 8 Habits of Practices (Pp. 49-53). Give Private Think Time to read and highlight/mark important ideas that stand out to them on the handout. (5-10 minutes) Hand out the Scientific Habits of Practice Stages sheet. Briefly go over the 6 stages and the structure of the rating sheet. Note that there are two columns: - Scientific Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which they do science as an adult science learner. - Habit-of-Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which their classroom develops student’s use of each practice. In short, the first column is about the practices that they personally use when learning science and the second column is about the practices that they make an effort to emphasize in the classroom with their students. (2-3 minutes) Give Private Think Time for participants to fill out the form. (2-3 minutes)
Goals for the 2013-2014 School Year Planning Time: How do you plan to take this back to your department? How can you use the data to help set goals? Pass out the copy of the 8 Habits of Practices (Pp. 49-53). Give Private Think Time to read and highlight/mark important ideas that stand out to them on the handout. (5-10 minutes) Hand out the Scientific Habits of Practice Stages sheet. Briefly go over the 6 stages and the structure of the rating sheet. Note that there are two columns: - Scientific Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which they do science as an adult science learner. - Habit-of-Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which their classroom develops student’s use of each practice. In short, the first column is about the practices that they personally use when learning science and the second column is about the practices that they make an effort to emphasize in the classroom with their students. (2-3 minutes) Give Private Think Time for participants to fill out the form. (2-3 minutes)
District/State/ Campus News Chemistry EOC is operational! EOC Practice test has been released. TNCore has released new resources. → Literacy in Science & Technology→Curricular Resources Username: tneducation Password: fastestimproving Next Curriculum Support Session is November 12th at Tyner Middle. Remind department that all Professional Learning registrations now go through Employee On-line. OSHA Training is available through Flinn in a 21 minute video. Teacher Information Data Sheets need to be sent to Jamie. Pass out the copy of the 8 Habits of Practices (Pp. 49-53). Give Private Think Time to read and highlight/mark important ideas that stand out to them on the handout. (5-10 minutes) Hand out the Scientific Habits of Practice Stages sheet. Briefly go over the 6 stages and the structure of the rating sheet. Note that there are two columns: - Scientific Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which they do science as an adult science learner. - Habit-of-Practice – Teachers will select the phase that best indicates the extent to which their classroom develops student’s use of each practice. In short, the first column is about the practices that they personally use when learning science and the second column is about the practices that they make an effort to emphasize in the classroom with their students. (2-3 minutes) Give Private Think Time for participants to fill out the form. (2-3 minutes)