JESUS The Way, the Truth and the Life
Unit 1: God 1.1 There Really is a God Creation and humans are amazing Humans are body (material) and soul (spiritual) 2 great human powers of the soul: To think (intellect) To choose (will) Amazing creation points to amazing Creator God exists (“I am Who am” – Exodus 3:14) “God is love” (1 John 4:16)
Unit 1: God 1.2 God does not change God’s attributes do not change “…as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.”
Unit 2: Trinity 2.1 Three Persons, One God The NT reveals that God is 3 in 1 God is LOVE identity based on relationship self-giving = life-giving a communion of persons distinct, equal, non-competitive
Unit 2: Trinity 2.2 Three Persons, One God Humans God soul (intellect and will) and body God Each is a distinct person (WHO) Each has the same divine nature (WHAT) same divine mind and will
Unit 2: Trinity 2.3 God’s power, wisdom and love One divine nature = ALL have ALL traits BUT we can associate persons with certain acts Father - power Son - wisdom (word) Spirit - love (gift)