What to Expect in Semester 2 AVID 12 What to Expect in Semester 2
3-2-1 Prep On the blank side (no lines) put your first and last name
January A-G check 2nd Semester Goals Continue with Senior Study Groups MLK Day 1/21 FAFSA Sign up for SS Groups Back to School Night… yes again 1/30 (minimum day, event 6:00-8:00)
February Solving a consumer complaint. Loan Explanation Continue with scholarship searches 2/6 Student Free Day 2/11 Lincoln’s Birthday 2/18 Washington’s Birthday Solving a consumer complaint.
March SAT on QHHS Campus Wednesday 3/6 (regular day) WASC 3/11-3/12 I can cook assignment 3/15 End of 3rd Quarter- last day to resolve ANY outstanding D’s to be eligible for the AVID Stole Spring Break 3/18-3/24
April Begin looking at offers Practice registering for classes Update AVID Data Practice registering for classes Looking at dorms Student Free Day 4/10 4/1-4/26 Smarter Balance Testing Window
May AP Testing 5/1 Decision Day Scholarship Research 5/23 AVID Senior Awards 5/31 AVID Final in the gym
June 2 regular days Finals 6/5, 6/6, 6/7 Friday 6/7 last day of school Graduation 6/5
3-2-1 On the lined side Write 3 things you accomplished in 2018 Write 2 things you want to work on in 2019 Write 1 thing you are happy or proud of that happened in 2018