July 2005 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TG3c Technical Requirement sub-group report] Date Submitted: [19 July, 2005] Source: [Alireza Seyedi] Company [Philips] Address [345 Scarborough Rd, Briarcliff Manor, NY, 10510] Voice:[914-945-6318], FAX: [914-945-6330], E-Mail:[alireza.seyedi@philips.com] Re: [TG3c Technical Requirements sub-group] Abstract: [This document provides a report of the TG3c Technical Requirement sub-group between May and July 2005, and the future plan for the sub-group.] Purpose: [Report of sub-group activity since May 05 interim meeting.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Alireza Seyedi, Philips
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Outline Objective Status System Requirements document Review of important modifications Items left to be discussed: Channelization Rate/Range Any other issue? General discussion and finish work on System Requirements document Future plan: Selection Criteria document Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Objective To create Technical Requirement (System Requirements and Selection Criteria) documents for the IEEE 802.15.3c Task Group. Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Status The sub-group held 7 conference calls. Average of 9.9 attendees per call The work on System Requirements document “Draft TG3c System Requirements Document” (0353-03) started based on “Draft SG3c System Requirements Outline ” (0349-04) by T. Maeda. The group completed the review and editing of the System Requirements document. Minutes: 0364-02 Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
General sub-group decisions <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 General sub-group decisions It was decided that the System Requirements and the Selection Criteria will be two separate documents Less detail in System Requirements, lots of details in Selection Criteria It was decided that priority should be given to indoor applications Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Section 3.0 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Section 3.0 The issue of the effect of antenna gain on the meaning of rate/range requirement was discussed. Possible solutions: Specify at what antenna gain the rate/range must be satisfied Specify at what received power the rate/range must be satisfied It was decided to address this issue in Selection Criteria Document Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Section 3.0 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Section 3.0 The existence of two type of applications, namely “point-to-point” and “WPAN”, were discussed. Definition Different rate/range requirements Compliance to MAC This issue is related to the effect of antenna gain on rate/range It was decided that the compliance to MAC to be addressed in Selection Criteria document Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Section 3.0 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Section 3.0 First paragraph was modified to make the data rates for point-to-point links “desired”. Actual rates/ranges were left to be discussed in SF 3.0 Bit Rate and Range A bit rate of at least 622 Mbps at 3 meters is required at the PHY-SAP (Service Access Point). The packet error rate used for this requirement is 8 % for 1024 octet frame body. The transmit EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) is fixed by regulatory emission limits. An additional higher bit rate at least 1 Gbps at more than 20 m for Point to Point operation is required. Another higher bit rate of at least 2 Gbps at more than 10 m for Point to Point operation is required. Figure 1 shows the reference partitioning. Old 3.0 Bit Rate and Range A bit rate of at least 622 Mbps at 3 meters is required at the PHY-SAP (Service Access Point). A preferred additional higher bit rate of at least 1 Gbps over at least 20 m for Point-to-Point operation is desired. Also, another preferred higher bit rate of at least 2 Gbps over at least 10 m for Point-to-Point operation is desired. The packet error rate used for these requirements is 8 % for 1024 octet frame body. The transmit EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) is fixed by regulatory emission limits. Figure 1 shows the reference partitioning. New Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 3.0/4.0 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 3.0/4.0 It was decided that “requirement tables” to be deleted from sections. This included table in Section 3.0 which referred to latency requirements. Instead section 4.0 was added: 4.0 Delay The proposed system shall provide at least one mode with sufficiently low latency in order to satisfy the applications. New Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 5.0 (new numbering) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 5.0 (new numbering) Text was added to clarify that the requirement for 4 simultaneously operating piconets is based on BW available in US/Canada/Japan (7 GHz). The sentence “Combination of analog/digital broadcasting channels and digital communication channels should be supported” and the related item in the table below were removed. This was due to: Analog broadcasting does not comply with .15.3 MAC There are few analog broadcasting applications Our standard should be forward looking and not held back by legacy systems. Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 5.0 (new numbering) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 5.0 (new numbering) 4.0 Channelization The bit rates and ranges specified in section 3.0 shall be achievable on each piconet for operation with at least 3 other piconets operating in close proximity even with some degree of performance degradation. Combination of analog/digital broadcasting channels and digital communication channels should be supported. Old 5.0 Channelization The bit rates and ranges specified in section 3.0 shall be achievable on each piconet for operation with at least 3 other piconets operating in close proximity even with some degree of performance degradation. This requirement is based on the bandwidth available in the US, Canada and Japan regulatory domains. The proposers should demonstrate the number of channels that their proposal provides in other regulatory domains, where possible. New Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 7.0 (new numbering) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Sections 7.0 (new numbering) 6.0 Channel Models Performance in a multipath environment is a critical feature for the SG3c alternative PHY. Document (yy-nnn-rr) provides a reference alternative PHY channel model. The individual proposers should make use of the SG3c models as they become available as a basis for evaluating the performance of their proposals. Individuals submitting proposals that are not addressed by the RF channels selected by the group are encouraged to provide specific details of the channel models used with references to literature, use in other standards, and/or research. Old 7.0 Channel Models Performance in a multipath environment is a critical feature for the TG3c alternative PHY. Document (yy-nnn-rr) provides a reference alternative PHY channel model. The individual proposers shall make use of the TG3c models as they become available as a basis for evaluating the performance of their proposals. Individuals submitting proposals that are not addressed by the RF channels selected by the group shall provide specific details of the channel models used with references to literature, used in other standards, and/or research. New Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Sys Req Doc: Modifications Annex B (new numbering) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Sys Req Doc: Modifications Annex B (new numbering) Text was modified to clarify that not all the applications must be satisfied. Annex A (informative) Profile of Applications Table below summarizes applications submitted in response to the CFA. The applications have been arranged in the numeric order of the document number (last column). Old Annex B: (informative) Profile of Applications Table below summarizes potential applications of millimeter wavelength systems as submitted in response to the CFA. Any submission should try to illustrate support for some of the applications listed. The applications have been arranged in the numeric order of the document number (last column). New Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Discussion of Channelization <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Discussion of Channelization Number of channels with respect to different regulations. T. Pollock, E. Skafidas: “Australian 60GHz Regulation” (0384-00) Y. Shoji & H. Ogawa: “Proposal of Introducing ‘IF-mmW Non-regenerative repeater mode’ into15.3c PHY” (0425-00) Analog broadcasting Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
Discussion of Data Rates <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Discussion of Data Rates J. Gilb: “Throughput calculations discussion” (0438-00) A. Mathew: “Projected applications and data rate” (0423-00) S. Skafidas: “Proposed rate range requirements” (0448-00) A. Seyedi: “Rate range requirements: looking forward”(0431-00) Should Rate be specified at PHY-SAP? What are the appropriate values for rate/range requirements? Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 General Discussion Any other contributions? Any other concern? Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> July 2005 Future Plan Work to create the Selection Criteria document Lots of details are left for selection criteria No draft exists! Use parts of 15.3a/15.4a/11x documents as drafts? Weekly teleconferences will continue (Thursday 8PM US eastern time). Phone number will likely change (will be sent on the reflector) Alireza Seyedi, Philips <author>, <company>