HWC Campaign Dangerous Substahces


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Presentation transcript:

HWC Campaign 18-19 Dangerous Substahces

HWC Campaign 18-19 Dangerous Substahces To raise awareness of the importance of preventing risks from dangerous substances, helping to dispel common misunderstandings. To promote risk assessment by providing information on practical tools and creating opportunities to share good practices, focusing specifically on: eliminating or substituting dangerous substances in the workplace the hierarchy of prevention measures (i.e. following the hierarchy outlined in legislation so that the most effective type of measure is always selected).

HWC Campaign 18-19 Dangerous Substahces To heighten awareness of risks linked to exposures to carcinogens at work by supporting the exchange of good practices; EU-OSHA is a signatory to the covenant committing to the EU carcinogens Roadmap EU Carcinogens Roadmap. To target groups of workers with specific needs and higher levels of risks by providing tailored information as well as examples of good practices. (inexperienced, uninformed or physically more vulnerable, or because they frequently change jobs, or work in sectors where awareness of the issue is low, higher or different physiological sensitivity (e.g. in young apprentices, or differences between men and women). To increase knowledge of the legislative framework that is already in place to protect workers, as well as highlighting policy developments.

Some key dates of the campaign are: EU partnership meeting: March 2018 HWC Campaign Events Campaign events Some key dates of the campaign are: EU partnership meeting: March 2018 Campaign launch and Launch of Good practice Awards: April 2018 European Week for Safety and Health at Work: October 2018 Healthy Workplaces Film Award: November 2018 Good Practice Exchange event: 2nd quarter 2019 European Week for Safety and Health at Work: October 2019     Healthy Workplaces Film Award: November 2019 HWC Summit and Good Practice Awards Ceremony: November 19

ETUC is a Campaign Partner https://healthy-workplaces.eu/en https://healthy-workplaces.eu/en/campaign-partners The ETUC and the ETUI have consistently worked to improve the H&S of workers exposed to chemicals. Since 2016, the ETUC has been running the high-profile campaign “Stop cancer at work”. The campaign was prompted by the fact that occupational cancer is the first cause of death at work in Europe. Trade unions call on the EU to continuously update the CMD Directive and adopt binding occ. exposure limits (BOELs) for at least 50 priority carcinogenic substances. Stricter rules are also needed at EU level for the protection of workers exposed to substances toxic for reproduction. Pressure from trade unions is a major factor in driving preventative measures. Unions make workplaces safer and union action at EU level to promote improvement in EU H&S rules is crucial, as has been shown recently with the first revision of the CMD and the adoption of BOEL for 11 new carcinogens.

ETUC is a Campaign Partner https://healthy-workplaces.eu/en/tools-and-publications/publications/info-sheet-legislative-framework-dangerous-substances-workplaces This campaign will be promoted in all ETUC and ETUI OSH events within the next 2 years with a focus on the most efficient preventative measure: the substitution of dangerous substances with safer alternatives. The ETUC’ national affiliates will also be encouraged to participate and contribute to this campaign with specific actions at national level. Requested from ETUI: Short reports about any trade union activities in framework of HWC! Name, date, venue, city, country, website, short description vkempa@etui.org, dgregoire@etui.org

ETUC is a Campaign Partner Requested from ETUI: Short information about any trade union activity in a framework of HWC! Name, date, venue, city, country, website, short description Send to: vkempa@etui.org