Research Project Help
What you need Running header (this appears at the top of every page- includes title of paper- flush left in ALL CAPS and page number- flush right) Name, My Name, Date (the day the paper is due), Class Each section needs to be titled- you should have 5 sections: 1. Overall subject 2. What has happened 3. What is happening now 4. What should happen 5. Info graphic You need at least 5 references (these need to be different sources) Reference List 3-5 Pages (this does not include your Reference List or you Infographic)
Sample Reference List is Found on page 2 of this document Make sure to have hanging indents URLs DO NOT need to be underlined or blue Alphabetical order Follow the guidelines per source
Infographic You are taking data and formatting it into some type of chart. You must make the chart- you cannot use a chart that has already been made You must cite where you got this information for the chart It must be labeled (titled, x, and y axis) explain what you are measuring You must reference this chart in your paper (ex: As seen in figure A there has been an exponential rise of 62% of sexual violence on college campuses since 2005.)
Reminders Do NOT start a sentence or paragraph with a quote DO NOT end a paragraph with a quote When in doubt cite!