Obstacles To Obedience Revelation 21:27
Obstacles For Non-Christians Materialism The affluence of today is a major obstacle When the pursuit becomes the number one priority then we have a formidable obstacle to obedience Must focus on God and the benefits of the gospel Passages continue to affirm a devoted pursuit of God’s will (Matt. 16:24; Col. 3:2)
Obstacles For Non-Christians Wisdom of the world To folks who are obstructed by worldly wisdom, “the preaching of the cross is to them…foolishness” (1 Cor. 1:18) Consider attitude toward miracles of the Bible Believed to be fables constructed by ignorant men Even those who are wise in the worldly things will serve something Consider Romans 1:20-23
Obstacles For Non-Christians A convenient religion Many people desire a religion that fits all Few, if any, demands are made by such a religion It has everything in the wrong direction This is described in the New Testament as traveling the broad way (Matt. 7:13) This way is believed by many to be the good way, but it leads to destruction One needs to do nothing to be on the broad way!
Obstacles For Christians Indifference
What is the difference between the atheist who believes not in the church and the member who will not support the one to which he belongs? What is the difference between the skeptic who does not believe the Bible and the negligent Christian who never reads it! What is the difference between those who do not believe in Bible classes and those who never attend them? What is the difference between a sinful man in the world and the member of the church who lives like the people of the world?
Obstacles For Christians Indifference The indifferent member believes he/she is OK when this is not the case (Rev. 3:15-16) God expects our all (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 6:19-20)
Obstacles For Christians Worldliness When one is unable to tell the church member from those of the world, something is definitely wrong The word translated as “holy” or “sanctified” or “saint” means to be “different, separated, dedicated to God” {Vines} (see 1 Cor. 1:2; 1 Peter 1:16; 2 Cor. 6:17-18)
Obstacles For Christians Lack of dedication Being a Christian is a way of life - - all the time “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20)