LUSI Controls and Data Systems W.B.S. 1.6 Gunther Haller Project Manager April 20-22, 2009 Presented by Perry Anthony Plenary Presentation
Controls W.B.S. Scope Near Experimental Hall X-ray Transport Far Experimental Hall 1 3 2 4 5 6 XCSMono AMO SXR XPP XCS CXI H6 Part of LCLS Installation Part of LCLS FES ARRA Funds Separate WBS 1.6 to combine all LUSI control & data needs due to commonality in requirements, design, implementation, installation and integration XPP, CXI, XCS, Diagnostics & Common Optics Common control and data systems design for LUSI and rest of photon beam-line instruments (AMO, SXR, FES)
Scope – WBS 1.6 Control & Data Systems Included in W.B.S. 1.6 All controls & DAQ, labor and M&S, for XPP, CXI, XCS instrument components and diagnostics/common optics Includes controllers, racks, cables, switches, commissioning Data-storage and processing for FEH instruments Input-signals to LCLS machine protection system link-node modules Provided by LCLS X-Ray End Station controls (CAM is G. Haller) Personnel protection system Machine protection system (LCLS modules, fibers) Laser safety system Accelerator timing Femto-second laser timing Network architecture & security Data-storage and processing for NEH User safeguards Laser controls CXI 2D detector controls Interfaces described in 1.1-517 ICD between XES and LUSI (released document)
1.6 WBS to Level 4 Example XPP
ESD’s and ICD’s Two types of controls documents required for each instrument Engineering Specification Documents (ESD’s) Interface Control Documents (ICD’s) XPP SP-391-001-21 XPP Controls ESD SP-391-001-22 XPP Controls & DAQ ICD SP-391-001-23 XPP DAQ ESD CXI SP-391-001-13 CXI Controls ESD SP-391-001-14 CXI Controls & DAQ ICD SP-391-001-18 CXI DAQ ESD XCS SP-391-001-24 XCS Controls ESD SP-391-001-25 XCS Controls & DAQ ICD SP-391-001-26 XCS DAQ ESD Diagnostics SP-391-001-19 LUSI Common Diagnostics & Optics ESD All documents released at
Reviews Preliminary Design Reviews (PDR) for Instrument Controls and Data Systems held before the Instrument FIDR XPP Controls and Common Diagnostics PDR’s Held February 7, 2009 CXI and XCS PDR’s Scheduled for May 11, 2009 XRay End-Station (XES) Reviews under LCLS XES, not part of LUSI Common services: e.g. Networking, DAQ, PPS, LSS, MPS
Controls and Data Sub-System Software: EPICS/Python/Qt Vacuum Motion Viewing Power Supplies Racks and Cabling Other items Data Systems Challenge is to perform data-correction and image processing while keeping up with continuous incoming data-streams LUSI benefits that SLAC Particle Physics and Astro-Physics group is involved which has substantial experience acquiring, processing, and archiving large data volumes at high rates Use common dataflow/processing/storage & offline interface DAQ for instrument components in the real-time detector data chain (BNL & Cornell 2-D detectors, future SXR detector, waveform sampler, etc) Minimizes development, production, commissioning, and maintenance effort
Data System Architecture Photon Control Data Systems (PCDS) Instrument specific Digitizers, Cameras, 2D Detectors Timing L0: Control L1: Acquisition L2: Processing L3: Data Cache Beam Line Data To SCCS Offline Level 0: Control Run & configuration control Run & telemetry monitoring Level 2: Processing Pattern recognition, sort, classify, alignment, reconstruction Level 1: Acquisition Image acquisition, calibration Event-building with beam-line data Correction using calibration constants Data reduction (vetoing, compression) Level 3: Online Archiving NEH/FEH local data-cache Local cache can buffer up to 4-days worth of data Offline will transport data to tape staging area in SCCS Computer Center
Example 2D-Detector Control and DAQ Chain Beamline Instrument Detectors Fiber ATCA crate with SLAC DAQ boards, e.g. the SLAC Reconfigurable Cluster Element Module SLAC FPGA front-end board Cornell CXI 2D detector-ASIC Brookhaven XPP/XCS 2D detector-ASIC ATCA Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture Based on backplane serial communication fabric, 10-G E 2 SLAC custom boards (also used in other SLAC experiments) 8 x 2.5 Gbit/sec links to detector modules Dataflow and processing Managed 24-port 10-G Ethernet switching Essentially 480 Gbit/sec switch capacity Naturally scalable Main LUSI instrument custom integrated circuits from Cornell & Brookhaven are already connected at SLAC to SLAC LCLS high-performance DAQ system
Controls: Cost Total Budget: $7,380,671 Engineering $3,032,110 Proc/Fab/Assy/Instl: $4,348,561 Status February 2009 Work Scheduled $434,106 Work Performed $417,319 Actual Cost $327,278 Schedule Variance $-16,787 Cost Variance $90,041* * Cost variance due to accounting error, charges have been moved from XES to LUSI account but is not reflected yet. So apparent under-run will disappear.
Recommendations from Last Review We recommend regularly scheduled meetings between the beamline scientists, diagnostics physicists and control system design engineers. LUSI agrees and the project will schedule regular meetings including the beamline scientists, diagnostics physicists and control system design engineers. Action Weekly meetings are occurring with the Cornell detector group for mechanical and electronics integration Weekly XPP meetings have started after the XPP FIDR, two months ago. Controls invited to other instrument meetings, attend when relevant topics are on agenda Normally we start regular controls/instrument meetings after the respective FIDR’s. For XCS, CXI: June 2009
Risks & Safety Risks Safety Late changes to design due to evolving user requirements Mitigation Adhere to BCR process. Participate in Experimental Area design process Release and update Engineering Requirement documents Safety Laser Safety and Hutch Protection Systems provided by LCLS XES, hutch 3 (XPP) is the third hutch to be operated Same for User Safeguards (oxygen deficiency monitor, radiological sources) Same for Electrical Safety All cables/equipment are rated for their use Robot safety in progress
Overall Status Control and data systems hardware and software components to be provided are agreed on and documented XPP controls & data systems items are being ordered Started data processing coding for XPP, e.g. Electronics gain correction, dark image correction, flat field correction Event filtering (veto based on beam-line-data, sparcification by predefined region-of-interest) Event binning (e.g. sorting, averaging) Following services required by XPP are already in place in hutch 3 or soon will be in place, months before required by XPP Hutch Protection System, Laser Safety System, User Safeguards Machine Protection System Network Timing (accelerator as well as femto-second laser) Racks including AC connections and cooling Data processing and storage Offsite data access and transport
Summary Interface and Requirements documents released Clear what needs to be done No issues, design meets requirements XPP Preliminary Design Review already completed Most items similar to XTOD and AMO which both already had Final Design Reviews for Controls and Data Systems (XTOD is being commissioned, AMO will follow in August 09) CXI and XCS PDR’s scheduled for May 11, 2009 Design Mature Design essentially complete in respect to what will be used and quantity of items to be ordered Many items are already used (hardware and software) in XTOD and AMO, ahead of XPP, XCS, CXI No technical risk Started ordering XPP control and data system items Team Engineers and technicians from PPA Research Engineering Group, sufficient man-power available for LUSI