PRESENTATION TOPICS Grade 9 to10 Programming Graduation Program Requirements Student Success at Pinetree Pinetree Special Programs Number of Courses Choosing Courses Timeline Information
CHOOSING COURSES Important Decisions… Requirements? Options OR Electives Needs? Awareness of Career Plans and Post Secondary Ideas How do I get information? Family Counsellor, Post-Secondary Career Advisor Research Program Booklet-Online on Pinetree’s Website under “Publications”
Where to find the course calendar!
GRADUATION PROGRAM 80 Credits 1. Required 52 credits: English Language Arts 10, 11 and English Studies 12 12 credits Social Studies 10 4 credits Social Studies 11 or 12 4 credits Science 10 4 credits Science 11 or 12 (Ch, Ph, Bi, Earth Science, Sc &Tech) 4 credits A Mathematics 10 4 credits A Mathematics 11 or 12 4 credits Physical and Health Education 10 4 credits Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 4 credits Career Life Education 10 4 credits 2. Career Life Connections 12 (not a structured class) 4 credits 3. Electives (Grade 10, 11 and 12 - depends on focus studies) 28 credits Numeracy Assessment (Gr. 10) and Literacy Assessment (Gr. 10 and 12) TOTAL 80 credits Must have credit for three grade 12 courses plus English Studies 12 and Career Life Connections 12
NUMBER OF COURSES GRADE 10s 8 Courses Extra Courses: Jazz Band 10, Choir 10, Vocal Jazz 10, Music Orchestra 10, Desktop Publishing 11 and Leadership 11. These courses are in additional to your 8 courses.
Our English 10 Courses at Pinetree There are 5 different courses All courses are anchored in reading – therefore you will notice that each of the five courses begins with the words: “Focused Literary Studies and…” Your 5 choices include: Focused Literary Studies and Creative Writing Focused Literary Studies and Composition Focused Literary Studies and New Media Focused Literary Studies and English First Peoples Focused Literary Studies and Composition 10 HONOURS
Details about the Choice for English 10 Creative Writing – poems, play-writing, short-story writing… Composition – refine your skills in the area of essay writing, and writing for a variety of audiences and purposes New Media – increase your skills in the area of digital literacy and digital citizenship while improving your critical thinking and writing skills. Multi-modal forms of delivery and creation: graphic texts, screen casts, podcasts, and more.
Continued… English First Peoples- using language for a variety of purposes…oral story telling; refine your clarity and purpose for expression; understand and improve in your awareness of how voice is powerful and that The exploration of oral text and story deepens understanding of one’s identity, others, and the world. Honours – Increased challenge in the areas of reading, writing, thinking and representing information. Entrance exam is required.
English 10 Options Summary Focused Literary Studies and Creative Writing Focused Literary Studies and Composition Focused Literary Studies and New Media Focused Literary Studies and English First Peoples Focused Literary Studies and Composition 10 HONOURS You must choose ONE of the above AND an alternate
PINETREE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AP/ HONOURS – self select, but admission requires teacher recommendation & possible assessment (note: there will be an assessment for English Language Arts 10) Accelerated Programming EAL: Prepare Students for English 10, 11 & 12 Courses (Your EAL teacher will recommend a plan for next year)
SPECIAL PROGRAMS….Continued COURSE EQUIVALENCY Learning Outcomes of GR 10,11 and 12 courses achieved outside BC School System, E.G. Mandarin 11 EXTERNAL COURSES Certain Courses taken outside school system; E.G. Music, Languages, Sports, Cadets, Industrial Programs, Drivers Training, First Aid, Life Saving
FNA or ASK 10, 11 or 12 Students are required to complete 4 credits in either Fine Arts (any Theatre, Drama, Dance, Music or Visual Art course) OR Applied Skills (any Business Ed. , Home Ec, Info Tech and Tech Ed. Course)in In Grade 10, 11 or 12 When choosing electives there are no grade 10 numbered electives other than languages or Band and Choir courses All other electives will be numbered 11
FINE ARTS / APPLIED SKILLS SOME EXAMPLES INCLUDE: see the course booklet for more details: Drafting 11 (AS) Graphic Arts 11 (FA) Marketing & Promotion 11 (AS) Drama 11(FA) Textiles 11(AS) Art Studio 11 (FA) Foods Studies 11(AS) Auto Tech 11(AS) Composition & Production 11(FA) Choral Music 11(FA) Automotive Tech 11(AS) Any Info Tech 11(AS) Instrumental Music (Band) 11 (FA)
CHOOSE WISELY! It will be very difficult if not impossible to make changes to your courses in September; therefore please choose your classes carefully. There will be a verification of your selected courses in a PACK in May. This will be your opportunity to make sure your choices are correct.
Strive to do your best STUDENT SUCCESS Course failure may result in: Remedial summer school (mark between 40%-49%) OR Repeating the course next year
Summer School or Online If you are planning to take a summer school course or an online course you must indicate this on your course planning sheet You can not drop courses you are enrolled in at Pinetree and then take that course online once the semester has started. This planning has to occur now.
TIMELINE PLAN CAREFULLY, TALK TO YOUR PARENTS AND IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS SEE YOUR COUNSELLOR. FINAL DUE DATE FOR PROGRAMMING SHEETS IS January 30th . You must have your parent sign it. RETURN COMPLETED PROGRAMMING SHEETS TO your period 5 Teacher for Semester 2 on January 30th. TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR COMPLETED SHEET before turning it into your period 5 teacher as you will need to refer to it at a later date.