Instructions of Professor's webpage
Professor's webpage 슬라이드 쇼 모드에서 PowerPoint 시작 센터로 이동하려면 화살표를 클릭하세요.
Log-in ◐This is login page of professors. ◐Login to the EDWARD portal account at the KEIMYUNG University. ◐If you choose English, you can go to a web page in English. ◐ No other login is required when you using the campus site after you login. ◐IE (Internet Explorer) works normally from version 10. In earlier versions, is not supported. ◐If you cannot available IE's version upgrade, please download and use Chrome.
Attendance statistics ◐When you log in successfully, you can see attendance statistics. ◐Attendance statistics can see all your course by time. (statistical unit : %)
Weekly Attendance Status ◐If you choose course in this page, you can change student's attendance by time or week . ◐When you can change the attendance time, this button is displayed. And if you cannot change the attendance time, this button will display. ◐If you want to change attendance as student attendance book, please push this button.
Weekly Attendance Status -Attendance process ◐ This button moves to new page where can change student's attendance by time. ◐It is possible to change student's attendance one by one. And using check box, you can change multiple students at the same time. ◐If you push this button, all student's attendance information could change return to initialized state.
Weekly Attendance Status – Attendance info ◐ This button moves to new page where can confirm course information.
Weekly Attendance Status – Batch processing ◐ This button moves to new page where can change student's attendance by week. ◐It is possible to change student's attendance one by one. And using check box, you can change multiple students at the same time.
Weekly Attendance Status - Modification of student attendance book ◐ This button moves to new page where can modify attendance as student attendance book. ◐It is possible to modify one student by a time or a whole time. Also it is possible to modify by time and week.
Individual Attendance Status ◐If you choose a course in this pa ge, you can confirm attendance inf ormation by individual students. ◐ This button goes to the page where you can confirm and modify attendance information for individual students. ◐If you want to check all state of that course as a student attendance book, please press this button.
Individual Attendance Status- Batch processing ◐ This button moves to pages where can confirm or modify the student attendance information. ◐Using check box, you can ch ange student's attendance or a bsence. Also you can modify multiple hours and dates at once.
Individual Attendance Status- Attendance status ◐This button moves to pages where can confirm student's entire attendance inf ormation.
Student Management - Student Management(20 ~ 33% of Absent) ◐You can select a list from the upper left and search for a list of students who are not more than 20% and less than 33 % of the total absence. ◐If you press this button, you can send a alarm to stude nt's cellphone.
Student Management - Student Management(Over 33% of Absent) ◐If you select courses, you can see lists of students who has over 33% absent. ◐If you press this button, you can send a alarm to stude nt's cellphone.
Print class roster ◐If you select print a student attendance book on page's left side, you can see a image such as down side. When you click this button, you can download a print program.
Print a student attendance book ◐It generate icon after a print program have downloaded. You have to log in one more time, because the print program and webpage is different to each other.
출석부인쇄 Print a student attendance book ◐When you log in the print pr ogram, you can see you course lists.
출석부인쇄 Print a student attendance book ◐When you double-click a course or click a detailed view after select a course, it moves to a student attendance book. You can change the student arrangement with the buttons above. You can print out the attendance book and Excel file with the lower button. You can return to course list by using the close button at the bottom right or the X button in the upper right corner.
Keimyung University Academic Affairs Team (580-6069) Thank you. Keimyung University Academic Affairs Team (580-6069) 슬라이드 쇼 모드에서 PowerPoint 시작 센터로 이동하려면 화살표를 클릭하세요.