Russell Ragghianti (ME) Team RamRod Justin Maphet (ME) Matt Rice (ME) Alex Comen (AE) Russell Ragghianti (ME)
Overview Our objective of our project was to get our cop car to jump a ramp at a high rate of speed. We start the device by dropping a lead weight down a tube that hits a stopper which pulls a ball from rest that hits a lever that lets ramrod go from a rest where rubber bands are ready to rocket our car up the ramp.
1st step Lead weight falls down tube and hits stopper.
2nd step Stopper pulls string which releases a ball from rest making it fall.
3rd step Ball hits lever which releases car.
4th step When lever releases rubber band pushes car up ramp.
Energy Conversions In our first two conversions we were able to utilize gravitational potential energy. On our 3rd conversion we were able to use the elastic potential energy due to the rubber bands. mgh=.5mv^2 (conversions 1,2,3) mgh+.5kx^2=.5mv^2 (conversion 3) None of our calculations included friction or air resistance in any way.
Conclusions We learned that incorporating many of the equations we can determine the transfer of energy throughout the system.