Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into Education
Following Topics would be covered during Discussions: 1. Changing Society 2. Education 3. Developments in ICT 4. Competencies 5. The Future school 6. Institutionalisation 7. Learning systems management
1. Changing Society Information: Facts, comments, opinions, expressed through words, images, sounds... etc. which can be stored, circulated... among people are known as Information . Knowledge: The output of the reconstruction of information by a person, according to his/her history and context. It depends on the person.
Information society: A society in which information is good that one can exchange, buy, sell, store, transport, process, … etc. is called Information Society. Knowledge society: A human society, in which knowledge can bring justice, solidarity, democracy, peace... A society in which knowledge is a force for changing society. A society which should provide universal and equitable access to information.
Information can be transmitted, But Knowledge must be acquired, constructed. Integrating Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in order to build the Knowledge Society.
2. Education. The "four pillars" (Jacques DELORS, 1996) of Education are: Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together Learning to be
Integrating ICT in order to build the Knowledge Society Learning to know ICT and Knowledge, accessing Knowledge Learning to do New capacities, do through ICT Learning to live together New communication, the « e-citizen » Learning to be … in the knowledge society; personal development
3. Developments in ICT It is not a matter of technology, but some fundamental developments such as: Networks Collective intelligence E-Learning Ethics
Networks A set of "nodes" (points, information, people...) and "edges" (links...) Complex networks The "world wide web" From "trees", "pyramids", to networks.. In a network, many different possible paths from one point to another Network: interactive, evolutive Sub-networks, network of networks... Circulate in a network Changes in hierarchies
Networks From pyramid to network…
Collective intelligence communication collaboration collective competencies collective memory collective intelligence an aim for education: build a collective intelligence
e-Learning from "CAL" (Computer Aided Lewarning) to distance-learning then e-Learning not only technology, but a new conception of teaching, training, learning Managing differently time and space Internet and virtuality individualisation and collaboration Interactivity: interactive content interactive tutoring « Blended learning »
Ethical questions ICT and "Education for all" Digital divide and divides in education Globalization Commercialisation of education Property rights, cyber-crime, privacy...
Worldwide coherence The Dakar framework for action (Dakar, 2000): "Education For All" (Jomtien 1990) "Learning, the Treasure within" (Jacques Delors, 1996): the "four pillars" of Education. The IFIP Montreal Youth Declaration (Montreal, 2002): "youth oriented digital inclusion" The Vilnius WITFOR Declaration (Vilnius, 2003) : lifelong learning, "e-inclusion", computer literacy, teacher education. Ministerial Round-table (UNESCO, Paris 2003): universal access, "quality education for all" WSIS (Geneva 2003): principles and recommendations
4. Competencies New competencies Always more… or core competencies? The « Common European Framework » Ability to evolve Permanent ability to increase one’s competency; the "derivative" of competency!
5. The Future School The OECD scenarios “Schooling for tomorrow: what Schools for the future?”, CERI(The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation ), OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD; French: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, OCDE) is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 35 member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade.), 2001 (For details, Please visit "status-quo" extrapolated "re-schooling" "de-schooling"
"status-quo" extrapolated 1. Robust bureaucratic school systems status-quo, bureaucracy, uniformity, resistance to change ICT: used, but not integrated ICT may lead to the end of the "status-quo" (together with the lack of teachers)
"status-quo" extrapolated 2. Extending the market model dissatisfaction, the « market law »: demand driven, diversification, new providers and professionals, “cyber-training”, inequality, competition ICT: A tool for training ICT exploited ICT and competition
"re-schooling” 3. Schools as core social centres education, a public good; schools: centres of community, equity, citizenship ICT: for communication between partners, in and out of school ICT: a tool for citizenship
"re-schooling” 4. Schools as focused learning organisations (centred on « knowledge » rather than « society »), competence development; innovation; research and development ICT widely exploited ICT integrated in teaching and learning ICT: a tool for learning, analysis, communication
"de-schooling” 5. Learner networks and the network society dissatisfaction of school systems, cooperative networks, home schooling, no reliance on teachers ICT for networking ICT and independency from time and space
"de-schooling” 6. Teacher exodus - the meltdown scenario School systems disintegrated, status-quo + lack of teachers ICT to replace teachers Companies involved in ICT in education
Variables and commands: Attitude and expectation towards schools Mission and objectives of schools Organization and structures Geopolitical dimension Teachers
6. Institutionalisation The process of institutionalisation Research Innovation “good practice” Decision makers Actors « Experts »
7. Learning systems management (“Management et sciences cognitives”, Alain Bouvier, 2004, “Que sais-je ?, PUF, Paris) From Taylorism --> "human resources” --> "quality insurance” --> project management --> networks & "learning systems” artificial intelligence --> cognitive sciences --> collective and system intelligence
A system may have an intelligence collective intelligence collective learning (a process at the system level) collective memory Structuring a system in order to make it a "learning system"
Managing a learning system: ensure retroactions and feedback with teams and sub-systems; reengineering, benchmarking increase internal cooperation make the work more reflexive (innovation, "R&D") create a collective intelligence
META SOFT HARD (intelligence, intellectual added value, coherence…) (competences, qualification, training…) HARD (Equipment, structures, ICT, personnel…)
A learning society should be managed through "intelligence" From piloting to "governance": - involve actors; humanism; democracy; collective intelligence - reconsider authority, hierarchy, bureaucracy: network A learning society should be managed through "intelligence"