Healthwatch Central West London Dignity Champions Samuel Wallace
What is Healthwatch? Healthwatch is the new consumer champion for health and social care in England. We give children, young people and adults a powerful voice, making sure their views and experiences are heard by those who run, plan and regulate health and social care services.
Dignity Champions Dignity Champions is a project run across the Tri-Borough, it utilizes Healthwatch’s power to ‘Enter and View’ health and social care services. Local volunteers supported by staff conduct a minimum of 15 assessments per year (9 in K&C, 3 in H&F, 3 in Westminster)
Dignity Champions Reports and recommendations from all visits are sent to adult social care (ASC) commissioners and the CQC, we also work closely with safeguarding teams across the Tri-Borough.
Dignity Champions All reports are made public (after a 20 day period) we work in collaboration (when possible) with the service provider to prepare an action plan and then go back in and carry out a spot check.
Dignity Champions A ‘good practice’ example of our work is from 2012, we carried out an extensive review of homecare working with ASC they provided us with a sample of service users, that our Dignity Champions visited in their homes. The report we produced has gone on to impact on the changing service specification for the new homecare contract.