Mrs. Humphries 8th Grade American History Room 1117 Classroom rules Mrs. Humphries 8th Grade American History Room 1117
Behavior in the classroom:
Behavior in the classroom: tardies
Behavior in the classroom: tardies Not in class when the bell rings
Behavior in the classroom: tardies Not in class when the bell rings 1st tardy: verbal warning
Behavior in the classroom: tardies Not in class when the bell rings 1st tardy: verbal warning 2nd tardy: detention
Behavior in the classroom: tardies Not in class when the bell rings 1st tardy: verbal warning 2nd tardy: detention 3rd tardy: discipline referral
Behavior in the classroom: Food, drink, gum Prohibited in classroom
Behavior in the classroom: Food, drink, gum Interruptions, leaving class Prohibited in classroom
Behavior in the classroom: Interruptions, leaving class 10/10 rule: students are not permitted to leave any class during the first ten minutes or the last ten minutes of the period.
Behavior in the classroom: Interruptions, leaving class Water, bathroom: EMERGENCIES ONLY Students will use the sign out/sign in log after the teacher gives permission to leave the classroom. Permission will not be granted during instruction time or testing.
Behavior in the classroom: Interruptions, leaving class Office: only with a green pass sent from the office
Behavior in the classroom: Cell phones, electronic devices Must be turned off and out of sight
Behavior in the classroom: Cell phones, electronic devices Must be turned off and out of sight Exception: when the teacher directs the students to use their devices as part of the lesson
Behavior in the classroom: Cell phones, electronic devices Must be turned off and out of sight Exception: when the teacher directs the students to use their devices as part of the lesson Confiscation, fine, for breaking rule
Behavior in the classroom: Cell phones, electronic devices Toys (especially toys that look like weapons) Must be turned off and out of sight Exception: when the teacher directs the students to use their devices as part of the lesson Confiscation, fine, for breaking rule
Behavior in the classroom: Cell phones, electronic devices Toys (especially toys that look like weapons) Must be turned off and out of sight Exception: when the teacher directs the students to use their devices as part of the lesson Confiscation, fine, for breaking rule Confiscation, call to parents (referral for weapon-like toys)
Academic expectations:
Academic expectations: Assignments All assignments will be posted on the white board and on the teacher’s website.
Academic expectations: Assignments All assignments will be posted on the white board and on the teacher’s website. 1 class day late: 10 point deduction
Academic expectations: Assignments All assignments will be posted on the white board and on the teacher’s website. 1 class day late: 10 point deduction 2 class days late: 20 point deduction
Academic expectations: Assignments All assignments will be posted on the white board and on the teacher’s website. 1 class day late: 10 point deduction 2 class days late: 20 point deduction 3 class days late: 30 point deduction
Academic expectations: Assignments AFTER THE THIRD CLASS DAY, A ZERO GOES INTO THE GRADE BOOK FOR THE MISSING ASSIGNMENT All assignments will be posted on the white board and on the teacher’s website. 1 class day late: 10 point deduction 2 class days late: 20 point deduction 3 class days late: 30 point deduction
Academic expectations: Assignments AFTER THE THIRD CLASS DAY, A ZERO GOES INTO THE GRADE BOOK FOR THE MISSING ASSIGNMENT EXCUSES ACCEPTED FROM PARENTS ONLY (parent must contact the teacher directly; notes are not acceptable) All assignments will be posted on the white board and on the teacher’s website. 1 class day late: 10 point deduction 2 class days late: 20 point deduction 3 class days late: 30 point deduction
Academic expectations: Make-up work
Academic expectations: Make-up work If work or a test is scheduled before a student is absent, the student may be required to take the test or submit the work on the day the student returns unless the student’s parent has made other arrangements with the teacher.
Academic expectations: Make-up work If work or a test is scheduled before a student is absent, the student may be required to take the test or submit the work on the day the student returns If the student is absent when the work or a test is scheduled, the student will receive one extra day for each day of excused absence to complete the work or take the test
Academic expectations: Make-up work If work or a test is scheduled before a student is absent, the student may be required to take the test or submit the work on the day the student returns If the student is absent when the work or a test is scheduled, the student will receive one extra day for each day of excused absence to complete the work or take the test It is the student’s responsibility to speak with the teacher regarding assignment deadlines and testing dates.
Academic expectations: Make-up work It is the student’s responsibility to check with each teacher upon his/her return to school for any missing assignments.