Green Infrastructure Agenda item 2.C-1 CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 5th meeting - 02/06/09 Agenda item 2.C-1 Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure Workshop on Green Infrastructure: what was it about? Brussels, 25-26/03/09, EC premises: 85 participants To spotlight successful initiatives: variety of approaches in MS How to achieve an ecologically coherent green infrastructure? Discussion with stake- and resourceholders: How could the European Commission assist with the planning and implementation?
Green Infrastructure: what’s in it? Flexible definition: dependent on target and scale with different responsibilities linked to ecosystem services Consists of natural and man-made elements Ensures multifunctional efficient and sustainable use of land
Green Infrastructure: what it is for? contributes to maintain and strengthen healthy ecosystems Ecological coherence is vital to ensure that the functional elements of ecosystems. Integrate in land management planning closely linked to TEEB closely linked to climate change
Green Infrastructure: what’s next? substantial role in the EU's post-2010 biodiversity policy Next steps: to finalise the work of the ongoing contract: to further assess the experiences of Member States DG ENV could compile specific guidance how to achieve coherent and complementary approaches, how to best gather information (link to Art. 17 reports), how to assess the financial values of green infrastructure, how to implement the concept in practical terms.