Meet your ID‘s Skopje – Friday October 26, 2018 Session Chair: Regina Risken, International Director and Board Liaison EF Skopje 2018
Meeting Agenda Opening and Welcome Presentation LCI Board of Directors 2018 – 2019 Presentation IDs CA IV Europe - Our mission - What do we do? Introduction Endorsed Candidates Ids 2019 – 2021 Audience interaction – Q&A
LCI Board of Directors 2018 - 2019 3
International Directors The Lions Clubs International Board of Directors is composed of 34 international Directors Together, they serve our association by: Supervising all officers and the committees of the board and association Managing Association business, property and funds Preparing and approving the associations fiscal year budget
International Directors serve for two years and are designated as either first year directors or second year directors Our first year Directors are elected at the 2018 IC Las Vegas, USA Our second year Directors are elected at 2017 IC Chicago, USA
LCI Board of Directors Appointees LCIF Board of Trustees Appointees Leo-Lions Board Liaisons
ID‘s Composition and Election Effective beginning with the 2018/19 fiscal year (in each even-numbered year) 1 - Canada 1 - South America, Central America, Mexico 4 - India, South Asia, Africa, Middle East 3 - Europe 3 - Orient and Southeast Asia 5 - USA, affiliates, Bermuda, Bahamas
The Committees - Executive Committee - Audit Committee - Finance & Headquarters Operations Committee - Constitution and By-Laws Committee - Convention Committee - District & Club Service Committee
- Leadership Developement – Committee - Long Range Planning Committee - Marketing Communications Committee - Membership Developement Committee - Service Activities Committee
The final component of Lions Clubs International structure is Lions Clubs International Headquaters located in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, where nearly 300 employees provice resources and support to the almost 1.5 million Lions club members.
International Directors Constitutional Area IV Europe Presentation International Directors Constitutional Area IV Europe
First Year International Directors Geoffrey Leeder Member Leadership Develepment Committee Heimo Potinkara Member Marketing Communications Committee Dr. Walter Zemrosser Member Audit Committee Member Finance & Headquaters Operation Committee
Second Year International Directors Sandro Castellana – MD 108 Italy Member Executive Committee Vice Chairperson Leadership Development Committee William Galligani – MD 103 France Chairperson Finance an Headquaters Committee Regina Risken – MD 111 Germany Chairperson Audit Committee Vice Chairperson Finance & Headquaters Committee Board Liaison Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Leadership Development Committee Our Mission “…to improve the quality of Lions Leadership through systematic high quality learning opportunities”
Leadership Development Committee Who we are Committee members Datuk Dr K Naga, Chairperson Sandro Castellana, Vice Chairperson Tom Gordon Geoffrey Leeder Gary F Brown Mónica Segura, (PDG, appointee)
Leadership Development Committee What do we do? Leadership Development Programs Advanced Leadership institutes in every constitutional area Regional Leadership institutes Funding support programs on MD and District level District Governor Elect program Webinars Training material and resources for each level of training Faculty Development institutes for trainers Lions Certified Instructor Program for certified trainers
Marketing Communications Committee Our Mission “… to enhance the image, prestige, and acceptability of Lions Clubs International with Lions and public through a public relations program designed to acquaint both Lions and the general public with Lions’ purposes and accomplishments..”
Who We Are Marketing Communications committee members Connie LeCleir-Meyer, Chairperson V. K. Luthra, Vice Chairperson Heimo Potinkara Rodolfo Espinal Kristinn Hannesson, Appointed Eleonora Fresia (Leo-Lion Advisor) non-voting Patrick Rodwell, Division Manager of Marketing, LCI HQ (preparing the proposals for the committee)
What we do Marketing Communications Evaluate the programs of the Public Relations and Communications. Suggest public relations ideas, projects and policies to the Executive Committee and board of directors. Review major public relations proposals. Evaluate ideas and opinions on public relations from individuals, clubs, district officers, etc. Confer and cooperate with other board committees, the administrative officers and staff. Review and evaluate image and effectiveness of association awards. Plan a meeting of magazine editors at international headquarters every three years.
What we do MyLion App My Lion will provide the first-ever experience for members where they can learn, plan, serve, share, communicate, report and manage their clubs and memberships in one place. MyLion ready for EU MyLion web coming soon
Audit Committee Our Mission External Audit Planning Internal Audit Overview Business Continuity Plan Report Internal Audit Risk Assessment and Plan for next FY
Leadership Development Committee Who we are Committee members Regina Risken, Chairperson Hastings Eli Chiti Dr. Walter Zemrosser A. Geoffrey Wade
Leadership Development Committee What do we do? Assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to: - The integrity of the financial statements and financial reporting - The annual independent audit of the financial statements - Engagement of the independent auditor - Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements - Evaluation and assessment of risk management - Accounting systems and internal controls
FINANCE & HEADQUARTERS OPERATION COMMITTEE William GALLIGANI, Chairperson Our Mission: Providing accurate financial information, Promoting innovation, Mitigating business risk, Protecting company assets, Enhancing transparency and identifying business opportunity
What do we do? Financial statements- Investment Update Control of Revenu, Expenses and Assets Headquarter operations–Supplies-IT Fiscal year forecast and Budget, Banking matters, Estimated cost projection, Assessing financial impact of LCI Forward, Long Range Planning, GAT, etc, and others Committee
Who we are: William GALLIGANI, Chairperson Regina RISKEN, Vice-chairperson Patricia “Pat” VANNETT A. Geoffrey WADE Dr. Walter ZEMROSSER Fabio de ALMEIDIA, non voting Advisor
International Directors 2019 - 2021 Introduction Endorsed Candidates International Directors 2019 - 2021
Endorsed Candidates International Directors 2019 – 2021 Nicole Miquel-Belaud – MD 103 France Daniel Isenrich – MD 111 Germany Bent Jespersen – MD 106 Denmark
Audience interaction Q & A
Audience interaction It‘s an excellent opportunity for us to meet Lions face to face from our constitutional area Discuss problems an concerns unique to our area
Final conclusion
We serve: Reach beyond Horizons