Working group MAES on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services


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Presentation transcript:

The European ecosystem assessment framework and key analytical challenges

Working group MAES on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services Sets a conceptual framework for mapping and assessment linking human well being to biodiversity. Sets typologies for ecosystems and ecosystem services (CICES) Initiates thematic assessments (agro-ecosystems, forests, freshwater ecosystems, coastal ecosystems, natural capital accounting)

Objectives of the pilots The principal objective for the pilot studies is to provide a set of recommendations by September 2013 by end 2013 which will help the Member States with their assessments. 22 April 2019

Specific objectives The (spatial) definition of the ecosystems Data availability for the mapping and assessment EU legislation and policies affecting the ecosystem (services) Assessment approaches Issues of scale Relationship between conditions and services Answering to the policy questions The constraints Options for overcoming constraints 22 April 2019

Building blocks Report Indicators for mapping ecosystem services (JRC) PEER project outcomes (JRC) DG Regio work on ecosystem services (JRC and DG-Regio) MESEU final reports (ALTERRA) Target 2 Working Group documents (RPF, GI, NNL ...) Ecosystem Service Partnership Project (ESP) European ecosystem map 1. draft (EEA, ETC/SIA) Reports on European data and methodology (EEA, ETC/SIA) Knowledge base report (EEA, ECNC) 22 April 2019

European ecosystem map v1.3 First version of ecosystem map Corine 2006 and EUNIS MAES typology fo marine Version 1.4 available in ca. 2 weeks with Greece based on Corine 2000 22 April 2019 ETC/SIA 2013

Key challenges Summarize the available information at EU and MS scales (data, indicators) so it can facilitate MS work: to identify and prioritise which ecosystems and services to map and assess to identify what data are available or needed to make optimal use of EU environmental reporting streams to help implement other action of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to guide use of information of ecosystem services in impact assessments or other policies 22 April 2019