Theodore Roosevelt @theeroose The 26th President of the U.S., no big deal Manhattan, New York City, NY, USA – Theodore Roosevelt @theeroose 14,234 5,321 3,445,234 Theodore Roosevelt @theeroose 3m You may be cool now, but you’ll never be me riding a moose kind of cool, I’m just on a different level. #swag Theodore Roosevelt @theerose 2d If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. Expand Tuxedo Brass band @thetuxedos 2d Come down to #NewOrleansStreet tonight for our final performance with Louis Armstrong @Loustrong Retweeted by Theodore Roosevelt Storer, Maria Longworth Nichols @Stoworthit Followed by TheSheriff and others Follow Thomas A. Edison @Theeason Followed by Blackfriars and others Follow Theodore Roosevelt @theerose 1w Why do people keep calling me “Teddy”?! “TR” sounds way more hip, or what do kids say nowadays? #beingold Theodore Roosevelt @theerose 1w @PrinciplesofFoundingFathers can you just like not? #please #panicof1896